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A poll was added to the form to decide whether we should prioritize the development of story mode and gameplay mechanic, or sex scenes only.

WIth muscle slider added for the dreamer, Migo-captees are no longer needed and replaced by a shotacon character suggested by an Aristocrat patron in the poll: Whateley Junior, Yog-Sothoth's Last Son (A short teen boy, or at least appears to be)




想问下投票时要填入的PATREON ID 是指哪个?是指我的用户名?


Is this gonna be the theme for the music in the game? It sounds more like post-apocalyptic/western horror like Fallout or Metro than sci-fi horror. I think electronic/new age style like from Expanse or Alien: Isolation would fit the game better, at least from what I've seen of the game so far.


You can tell from the naming of the locations in Neo England colony that we are reproducing the aesthetics of late 19th century and pre WW I era (wherein most Lovecraft's work is set) with a sci fi twist. Alet hums Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries when she's idle, for example.


I've ignored music posts from a lot of other creators, but you guys nailed this. I'm trying to figure out which moment in time this tune made me nostalgic for. Thumbs up.


BUG反馈:Alet的大腿根部还是有裂缝,我是在Grate Race of Yith的Alet Tentacle Anal 01(Deny)的动作下发现的。Erika的我还没看。小细节确实很难发现问题。。。尤其是对开发人员来说。。。毕竟一遍一遍查看已经检查过的东西,本该是不会有问题的。。。


I get mad The Last of Us vibes from it, but there's something else I can't quite pinpoint.


What are those Migo Captees supposed to be? Are there huge differences between Flat and VR? Just play VR and have no idea what that's supposed to be.


I agree with Arastor, the music is a bit different to what I'd have expected. But if you're happy with it then that's all that matters.


You forgot again to update the Mi-Go to say it's already been added, and voting means more sex animations. ;)


I vote for the continuation of work on fallen doll. This is literally what keeps me here.


Can you please release the results of the poll?


SUGGESTION: I think it would be a good idea to make a poll to see how many people would want Fallen Doll animations and gameplay features to be ported into OLC. We know Erika exists in both universes. For all we know, Fallen Doll takes place in Neo England. I think it’s a chance to merge both your story modes into a single story mode to save you time and boost your library of animations. Also the Fallen Doll nightclub, can be used as a way to downtime with all the heroines, Erika, Alet, Anya, and Galatea between levels or a reward you can unlock. In addition, if OLC uses a cash system to purchase weapons, outfits, hairstyles, and accessories, the nightclub can be used as a means to earn more money. Maybe not relied on fully, but a quick way between levels for some bonus cash. Lastly, I think porting Fallen Doll will help bridge the gap in the fan base between those fans that more vanilla sex options and those that want more monster sex. Just my opinion.


It's a very good idea, though I remember he said there are some compacity issues...




Actually Peacializer, it was PH that first mentioned the idea of porting over the animations for Fallen Doll. You are also right, he did make mention that the framework was outdated now that he has moved on to OLC, but things like 3D assets, 2D artwork, decals, animations, and perhaps some scripts could still be utilized. Also both games were designed with the Unreal Engine, which certainly makes porting assets a lot easier.

Bill Duke

A flying creature that lifts its victims into the air? Oh boy O.O I voted primarily for insects and small creatures, what did yall vote for?

Bill Duke

Yeah I'm confused as well, I thought the mi-go were the flying insects. Now I'm confused.


I think this game is the best adult game at present, with fine pictures and details. I recommend adding more types of beasts, because there are too many people on the market. Of course, this is just a suggestion!


love more footjob, suits and high heels in v0.23


id like to see more pleasure on her face

Michael Simkins

Foot jobs are better than blowjobs, since I had a bad memory from my childhood regarding a queer boy forcing a blowjob on me, which explains my hatred and intolerance towards blowjobs!