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Yet another busy week. By far we have completed most animation work on build 0.21 and reintroduced footjob scenes. This update is planned to roll out middle this month.

With the framework stabilized, the project is now undergoing major overhaul to gradually transit into a more aesthetically refined state. The rework currently focuses on a dynamic UI system more elegant, intuitive and coherent for both combat and sex scenarios.

We have also made progress on Anya's voiceover. More info coming in a couple of days.




Obligatory can't wait comment.


Could you specify a bit more what the differences in VR are? I have the feeling as if it is missing some pancake stuff.


holy, ma dick screams it can't take anymore. Anyway, I remember you said something about gameplay in earlier posts and can I ask for some more details?


looking forward to some bdsm stuffs!


That oral scene looks amazing, exactly what I wished for in my head. I hope theres more of that coming. Love the quality of work you guys put out


Can the POV camera mode be made adjustable like Fallen Doll? Can there be an option for it not to wobble?

Man Man

yeah the massive wobbling is terrible in the most scenes


Great work from what I can see. To ask one question: In which way (or which degree) you will integrate voting preferences to your game? Why I'm asking: It´s very cool to see stuff I votet for in the coming Update (more Erika scenes for example). BUT, I think It would not be too good to relate your game too much on votings. It's your game and not the whishlist of patreons. Everybodys darling will be no ones love. Keep It up. It looks fantastic!

who knows?

So what is going on with the first project? I was looking forward to the story mode.


can you give us more customizations for Erika and make her face closer to FD's model? I miss the way you can customize her in FD




Aside from everything else, what kind of action gameplay are we looking at?


那么问题来惹 是不是fallendoll1.32就成有生之年系列惹 我更喜欢那个系列一点 因为有多p环节


more insect sex please!




man i hope u guys release the build before christmas lol its already past middle of the month