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This poll is the last one affecting the design of Galatea - the heroine of lolita archetype.

We also added a fetish selector to decide which sex theme is more popular.




I accidentally closed the poll tab when at the question for female actors. How can I complete my survey without rendering my votes invalid for "plural voting"?


The form is considered complete after all "Required" questions have been answered. So as long as you have unanswered questions left you can revise your vote however you wish.


It's my first time voting in one of these polls, how do I go about finding my user id?


VOTED! Nice work with the amount of choices for new monsters! Quick question, how do we see the results of the polls ?


Yean, it's good to see actual result of the polls so I can change some of my my choice to a more possible and acceptable option , instead of a goal that's never going to achieve




Great work keep it up PH !


挺专注的吧,Paralogue 开始后 Fallen Doll 就停更了。感觉实际上 Fallen Doll 是一个技术预研,最终应该会合并到 Paralogue 里面(或者反过来,看开发者的计划了)。


Said this on the final form of the poll but. I suggest fixing the camera per position. Whenever I go to a new scene the camera is not centered to the girl and I havto awkwardly move around the camera with my mouse and find a good center of the camera before I could start the scene. its a bit annoying. Im sure im not the only one whos having this experience


I have the same issue. Sometimes the camera isn't even in the scene, it's outside of the geography.


Can you do male genital customisation? Like option to increase genital size?


Following up my previous suggestion above on Camera Centering . It would also be wise to have a Camera Re-Center /Reset button so you can set it back to default if ever the player fiddles with the camera center point while playing. usually in other games found using Middle Mouse button click

Man Man

can't change hair color


Latex sits pretty high in the poll results, so it's highly likely that we'd add it.


Female POV camera position would be fun, actually. And, the picture here is not the lolita character, right?


Hi, I would like to add on that it will be more pleasing if POV can have an option to be stabilised? It can get slightly dizzy after awhile. Also it will be great to autohide all objects that are obstructing the view! It is a great game keep working on it!!!


When will you finish Fallen Doll? 1 completed game is much better than several incompleted ones.

Karl Rigby

would love to see some QOL changes/updates

Karl Rigby

Locomotion options. Easier use with index controllers. World scale slider? A poll would be perfect to see what people want most tbh.


Hey PH, is voting time already over? Cant access the poll...


Will be any boob slider?


I was counting and reading current votes. It goes back online now.


I sent you guys a question via pm. Could i please get a response? Even if you don't have a definite answer anything at all would be great. Thanks!


Is the current Erica the final version, or is it still planned on getting her to look like the Fallen Doll Erica?


PH, mentioned his pm is filled and it's better to post in the community section your questions or send him a raven.


May or may not be the final version, but the differences from Fallen Doll Erica are intentional. The original was made years ago, and PH has gotten better.


I would rather like impregnate / Pregnant and even Fallen,) and make a room where children would grow up / (monsters-Paralog)


A female POV Option would be really good!