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Instead of splitting the planned contents into two separate builds we crammed the new features reserved for 0.21 in 0.20 to give alpha phase 0.1 a proper closure. Man that was a tongue twister.

You will get:

9 New Sex Scenes

1 New Monster: Migo Nymph and double penetration scenes

1 New Outfit Set: Nyx Stealth Suit

Improved Squirting and Love Juice Effects

Improved Shading

Cum Stain on Clothes

Wet Penis

Many other fixes and improvements

After some final tests we should be good to go.






Oh hypothetical good God. It would make my shift go by a lot slower if I knew I was missing out on the release. Can't wait!


Sounds good. However, unless you are planning on releasing the build today. I recommend just releasing the build when it's ready with all the features posted in the article. You can discuss the issues you faced and talk about the improvements. However, the build is there for people to test it out themselves. These "Coming Soon" posts are troublesome. You unnecessarily get everyone's hopes up that the build will be released in 24 hours, and then you don't deliver. Many times it's not your fault, unforeseen things can happen in game development such as bugs, scheduling delays, and outside influences that can postpone a release date. This in turn, stresses you out when release dates are not met on time because then you get a hundred clones of me saying "Hey PH, when can we expect an update?" You then in turn, ignore my posts hoping I am going to go away and then you release a update half through the next month after saying "a few days". So I suggest just stopping the cycle of frustration. We all know you and your team do good work. Putting stress on them and yourself is not necessary. Stop talking about the builds, and just release them when they are done. Still do Character Spotlights and Codex, Still show us cool artwork, Still show us awesome gameplay mechanics, but stop talking about release dates until they are finished or using words like "soon".


I very explicitly stated in June that updates will only be shipped when they are stable enough, no questions regarding the release date will be answered and even I do, no eta shall be enforced. Don't want the tragedy accompanying the botched release of update 0.10 to ever happen again.


If the same quality is being delivered I don't mind if is late or not, I mean the game is good and I am happy to support it. Thanks for the hard work Project Helius!


Is there a complete mute option in the config? If not, then will there be one? Splendid work as always.


You can mute the voice and sound effects separately. We don't have a master volume slider for now.


Is already released or it will be soon?


uooaahhh , hoping for the best!!!


I'm not sure if I can ask here but the VR version's world scale is always too small for me. I'm using Rift S, but can't find a proper way to adjust it via Oculus. Is it possible for you to add a parameter to the UE program so I can adjust world scale? Or is there some kind of 3rd party tool I can use? It has been bothering me.

Frank Leo

Please let me know when the new update is ready to be downloaded.


I'm sure he'll let you you know specifically and won't put out another post letting everyone else know. Yessiree


Nice thanks i cum pant


Hello... I would like to know the system requirement before I make a pledge on it... does the game CPU/GPU/Memory hungry? Thanks for the awesome graphics :)


So while i think this is exciting, I can't help but feel that the support i'm giving to fallen doll now goes to something i don't really want to support. I'd really appreciate if you could finish off fallen doll and continue development of this new thing with the support of people who want to (not including myself). can you give us an update on when we can expect an update for fallen doll?


That suite tho... I want to buy that in real life


The last thing they've said about Fallen Doll is that there is still the scripting and overall story aspect to implement, which is being taken care of on the backend. Since it wouldn't make sense to release that piecemeal, they've been releasing the Paralogue to provide supporters with content in the meantime. I'm just going from memory here, but they stated this about a post or two after the last Fallen Doll release.


Good work!


Doing a great job!


I love your work! Do you accept business proposals? I'd love to include your works in our game! Anyway, if you are interested please contact me! starkirby125918@gmail.com


Is this scene still part of fallen doll or Operation Lovecraft?


Is this out already or do I need to be a higher Tier to access it?


If it were out already, you would see a post on their page that says you must be at such and such tier to access. There is not. We are waiting.


Wow that's cool. I never cease to be surprised at your persistence in work. Nice update))

Man Man

Wheeeeeeeereeeee is it?! :D


다운로드는 언제 부터 가능한가요?


Just became a Patron today but been watching this Patreon for awhile now. So excited to support this excellent game!


39 people are currently holding down F5.


im waiting till like forever


please no teaser in the future...this is a little bit frustrating ;-)


The suspense o.o: Gatta go charge the toys >.>

Man Man

"completed" and 3 days later still not out? that's not complete at all..


"After some final tests we should be good to go." I'd rather a finished build with little bugs than a finished build with many.


i think i broke my F5 key


Maybe dat final test did not go as planned >.>;


I tried telling him. > . >


When I read your first comment, I thought it was a bit harsh, but now I can see where the frustration is coming from. It grows on you everytime, you check your mails to see if the update is available :D You can not deny, that it speaks for the game, that so many people are eagerly waiting, but I agree with you now, that the spoiling is unnecessary, if they do not deliver the next day. I've still hope, that the update will be online this weekend....


Is there any news from Mr.Project Helius?


Don't worry guys lets all hold hands together through these rough times , were gonna get through this H-Game Withdrawals


Fallen Doll will no longer be supported as far as I know. It's a shame because Fallen Dolls has much more content so far. Lovecraft however has more polish and probably overall more potential.


I know you guys do what people vote for, but I was wondering if we can expect to see more of the positions and scenes from Fallen Dolls in Operation Lovecraft in the future? I'd love to see those scenes in the quality that Operation Lovecraft has so far. Also, is there any way to have game sound on, when I tab out of the game?


Puts up a lil noodle stahl and offers shelter from the cold hard outside.


wah... been waiting 3 days since update was finished :( the teasers are killing me!


being really honest about everything , i dont think the problem is the delay the problem is the radio silence on whatever problem the current build is having thats causing the delay. if you post a teaser + say tht the build is comeplete and just needs a little more testing and then not say anything after a day or two about wtf is going on, people will just get frustrated lol


ah i wish this were out, the wait is killing me lol :(


Please inform us about the current status.


seriously an update would be nice, ETA or something


As much as i hate waiting, i do sincerly hope that every thing is alright with the creator himself. You never know what could've happened, or within his relatives/friends. We'll see the update as soon as it goes live. Yes i hate waiting after getting to hear "it's completed, should be ready" and then it goes silent, but please think there could be a million reasons behind it.

Man Man

Edit: he used twitter yesterday (16th) to answer comments.


this is like the ultimate blueballs post ever lmaoo

Man Man

it's getting ridiculous..

Opticon Studios

Love the characters, that new outfit is Hot...