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For October onlooker tier+ and previous Capitalist tier+ patrons.

Whew. Got over ambitious with this one. This mini update was supposed to be a simple hotpatch, but ended up with a lot of new features. Not thoroughly polished, but we should be able to nail it in 0.20 which is coming later this month.

Update 0.195

New features:

4 Sex Scenes for Erika

More realistic cum stain

Combat boots for Erika's Adjutant Uniform

Autosave function for outfit custom

Male skin color custom

Added saliva dripping effect for blowjob scenes

Added soft cloth physics for Alet's shirt

Alet will now squirt as intended in Slyph's vibrator mode scenes

VR: Added title page and control manual

VR: Added vertical rotation for camera

VR: In POV mode, male head will be hidden (for dreamer only)

Improvements and fixes:

Accessories model quality improvements

Lower male transparency in custom panel will now enable transparent male mode

Visual improvements on male's muscle

Fixed jittering balls in certain poses

Fixed some clipping issues with costume dressed

Fixed misplaced cum stains

Blowjob voice fixes

Animation fixes

VR: Missing Spawn of Basatan animation added

VR: Fixed scene cleanup feature

VR: Improved menu selection method

Known Issues:

Typo in news screen

The collision system of Erika's vagina occasionally fails to work

Objectives of October-November:

Add tear in intense sex scenes

Penis will get wet in blowjob scenes

Erika's expressions need further refining



John E. Hale

Yay, Erika is back :3


Is it possible to get a POV from Alet's perspective? great job otherwise!


mega上文件显示的还是0.19 下载后打开有最新的news但是好像还是0.19版本的 应该是有问题吧。 google又下载用户过多不让下 百度还没传好 绝望


I cant access the Google Drive file and the Mega file is still 1.9 version


how do i turn on Erika's combat boots?


Bug Report : Weird shadows appear on Alet's schoolgirl top when I make it half dressed , it may be some kind of Normal Map / Specular Issue?


The changelog for 0.19 said there was a male sound toggle? Where can I find this toggle?


Add a new hairstyle for alet


It was included in the SFX volume slider, I'll make a separate female and male voice volume toggle in the next update


VR Thumbstick controls are not present so the Wheel options are gone. Was this intentional? I do prefer the option to use the thumbstick, even though it is tricky at times.


Erika's vaginal opening doesnt appear to 'open' as much as Alet's during penetration. Collision mechanic appears to be working fine from what I've seen. Great work.


So is Erika only allowed to have Alet as partner?


I must be missing something I follow link to download page and I see build 1.31 and paralog 0.1. If I click on either one it it says please log in to Patreon amount. I click that link and it says Project Helius Product Activation would like to ... • View your public profile • View your pledges. So I click allow and it takes be back to the first page. over and over and over and over.


You need to be an active backer or pledged a total of 95+ in the past to gain access.


fallen doll 之后还会更新吗,老哥?paralogue是不错,不过我个人对人外sex有点受不鸟


I'll try to provide some feedback soon! Cheers! Any updates on plans for Erika in Fallen Doll? edit, nvm saw your last response, again, would love continued updates for Erika in Fallen Doll, I think her model is most polished there. Maybe port over some new animations you're working on in paralogue over and add some new hair styles/clothes from there as well? Please run a poll and see what your community would like to see more in Fallen Doll with Erika! Thank you!


New cum stains looks great. I noted some bugs that I found ・Flying dildo in one of Sylph's scene (VR) ・Thumbstick control not working and it's making the control really bad as we need to open the menu to then toggle to the control panel that stays in the way and is not controllable when under the floor (VR) ・Can't seem to find Alet's squirt in Sylph's scenes (VR) ・Can't seem to hear Erika's voice in Dreamer indulge scene (VR) Want list: ・Touch control shortcut to go POV. I believe it was trigger+R button in FD. ・Option to control/reduce the auto movement in POV camera Will this be called Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft from now on?


yayyy wet blowjob!!


How do I do the blowjob? I can't figure it out tbh

John E. Hale

Only certain partners have it, but you basically just need to experiment with the positions or mouse-over the actions with each partner in order to find them.


Haven't tried VR yet, but here's my feedback for the desktop version: Erika: General ・Voice acting for her is superb! Props to the actor. ・Erika's labia collision clips a lot worse than Alet's. I'll assume it's part of the known issue. Erika + Hound: 01 Succumb ・While I'm not a fan of the hound (prefer crab and tentacle monster and dreamer) This scene is pretty hot, specifically her getting choked and the position she's in. Erika + Hound: 02 Deny ・The angle of penetration is very poor, the penis is ramming into the pubic bone/urethra. You can probably get away with just lowering the angle of the penis entering the vagina a few degrees and it would look far better, without having to redo the entire animation. ・No cum stain. Erika+Dreamer: 01 Indulge ・Breast bounce looks a little odd when there's this much movement. Have to turn the effect down a little bit to make it tolerable. ・While not as bad as some scenes, it does bug me how close to the pubic bone the penis is penetrating. Weird seeing so much open pussy behind the penis. Erika + Dreamer: 02 Deny ・Cool effect with the cum stain as the dreamer pulls out. ・Erika's labia glitches after the dreamer pulls out. ・Again, awful attack angle for the penis penetrating, especially considering how anatomically correct Erika is compared to Alet. Other Stuff: ・Multiple scenes don't have cum stains yet. ・Most of the cum stains look phenomenal. ・Maybe it's just my settings but in certain lighting conditions, the cum stains look completely bleached out/transparent.


Getting a Error Message .DLL file, EKC6420DLL, was not found ;(


Make sure your anti-virus application did not delete the files involved.



Frank Leo

Does the "save data" from the old version carry-over to this now update?


Regarding the VR version... thank you so much for adding the suggestions from last time. The dreamer has a lot more enjoyable scenes now with the vertical rotation slider and the removed head. It's a whole new experience now.


So is this the final Erica? Or can we expect her to continue to move more towards the original Erica. Cause I am missing my girl.


Will the sounds also get improved, ore variations morw foreplay. The last time i looked .18 it was a bit to much, to sudden for me, like a 30 sec porn clip bam bam bam. It prefer it more like fallen doll more subtile.






Why im getting this all the time gyazo.com/52b4a9f784353b31d95e4ffd67fc6b2e ?


Is Alet now supposed to squirt with Sylph? I don't see that happening on desktop. Would be nice to see if it's working by pressing a key, like you have in Fallen Doll.


She needs to climax a few times first to squirt. But yeah adding manual control over it may be a good idea.


Summary of 0.195 - First and foremost, welcome back from the hospital. I am appreciative for the fast turn around with 0.195 coming out even if there were some minor delays. - It's nice to see Erika finally getting some love from a textured guy and not a ghost. PH is finally getting close to capturing the spirit of Erika from FD. I am still hoping we get her short haircut at some point as an option. Also, it would be hilarious if some unseen person mysteriously threw cash on the floor next to her after she finished a climax animation, like in FD. =-p - The new animations for Erika are nice. Though to be honest, I am still hoping to see more individual personality in the animations for each girl. Currently, I see no reason why characters don't share the same animations, unless more uniqueness or quirks is added to there animations. - Speaking of animations, I do hope you hire more animators to expand the amount of animations needed for RAIDS and add some diversity to the personalities of each character. If you do the math, it gets kinda scary how many animations are going to be needed to complete the cast of characters, and continue to include more creatures and villains that haven't been created yet. - The cum stains are looking better but are still an issue. Between the sweat, and oily skin, it makes it difficult to see the cum at times. I have tested all min and max settings. Hopefully this is tweaked more in the future. - The hit locations for cum stains are still an issue. It doesn't appear as if the cum is registering for Alet's face for the Spawn of Basatan blowjob. Due to the proximity to her face and the fact she flinches and looks away, I was under the impression she was meant to be hit in the face. The issue arises with Spawn of Yith's boobjob animation. - The sound effect of the vibrator in Slyph animations. At first I thought it was not working at all and it sounded like the air conditioner in the lab, but after further review it's just really low. Hopefully this is further tweaked, as the piston sounds for Slyph are very loud in comparison to the sound the vibrator makes. - Overall all positives steps in the right direction SO GOOD JOB! I do realize a lot of my findings may come off as opinions or nitpicking at times so take it with a grain of salt. Hopefully, you consider the suggestion of continuing to hire more animators and like I mentioned in my previous posts, add more structure to RAIDS because the amount of animations for paraL is going to be a lot.


Good morning. I'm working hard. It is always fighting. I hope the penis hide feature has been added in the desktop version. Oh, and I don't think about studying the inside of the human body with view cuts.

Joe Mesh

Don't know if this has come up before, but turning Alet's muscle slider to anything above zero makes her vagina area a lighter color than the rest of her body.


Great update, thanks for the total disparition of the male shadow at 0% opacity, it's now perfect, do we have an exit buton ? Keep Up the good work and take Care of your health.


Thanks, if the current data/settings save of the game takes effect when we press the button it's great.


Cannot download from Gdrive. Says 'too many downloads...'


still not able to dl. have been onlooker for quite a while.


Any Information on when we can expect an update for FALLEN DOLL? You know... the game i pledged money for originally...


I do not seem to find Ericas Boots.


Forgive me if this question has been answered before, I'm new here: How do I update the game, should I A: delete the entire game and unzip the new version or B: can I just copy paste and cover the identical files? Thanks!


Hey guys I am excited about the game you made and joined the patreon to get the latest version but my computer keep reporting missing the file EKC6420.dll. But I saw the dll file is included in the folder. Did that mean I can't use Eleckey to activate the game? How can I fix it?


the monster stuff is fine but please give us LOTS more human scenes!


Hi, I'm thinking of becoming a patron, the question is can I be for example Brawler and get the newest version of Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft and Fallen Doll the first game? and another question would be to get the new updates I have to keep being subscribed every moth? sorry but I'm new to how Patreon works.




Everything on Patreon is a monthly subscription. The $8 a month will get you access to every beta/alpha release as soon as they become available.


Please make sure that your anti virus application did not block the program from running. Also please confirm that you are not running the program from a usb device.


There'll be no monthly updates on the base game. I'll release the completed game once it is done.


You need to be an active 8+ patron of current month, or pledged a total of 95 before.


VR version review: Finally got to test this version. Nice update. I'm really glad that the wonky analog stick/touch pad controls are gone. Now all we need in that department is being able to move the h-event HUD out of the way. You could also use the stick/touchpad controls to toggle between the options in the new HUD now, which would make it easier to control if the HUD is partially hidden by an object. Alet's Basatan blowjob scene is lacking a mouth animation, so there's no actual blowjob. ;-) Leaving a scene makes Alet's boobs go hyper mode. Maybe disable the jiggling algorithm for the moment of a scene switch. Cum stains are an improvement, but I'd still like to see the static stains eventually being replaced by dynamic fluid objects. The cumshot animations need a looooot of work. I suppose that's just something that hasn't been worked on at all yet. In the future I'd like to see a more realistic animation with several squirts (5 to 8, as is normal, at least for humans ;-) ), as I said, ideally with a new fluid object instead of how it is now. I second the need of a quit button. Great work overall, performance is really good and the changes from the last version are all good. Good to see that you implement so many feature suggestions and bug fixes so quickly. Keep up the good work!


Whats still missing is the possibility to scale genitals. When it comes to creature sex ist would be fine to resize things a little for those "big dick" lovers.




keep up the good work i like this stuff will patron soon and give ideas thanks for your hard work


the first girl in... ... en... great


finally got time to provide some feedback: 1. nice work on improvements to erika's face 2. still would like to see more customization - no ability to customize nipple or breast size, waist size, etc. 3. I don't like this new menu, not sure when it was changed, but disables exiting the position if you start one unless you back out




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Yes. The $24 bar is accumulative so you don't need to pledge that much in one go.


Erikas combat boots dissapear during the sex scenes, but are visible during character customisation. Is this a common problem?


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