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Hi all! I'm about to return to work tomorrow. 0.195 is coming this week and 0.20 is scheduled around end of month.

In the next update we will be working primarily on Erika's sex scenes. All sex scenes are now divided into 5 categories with a respective RAIDS tag: Resist, Accept, Indulge, Deny, Succumb. The affinity between the girls and specimens determines the RAIDS tags you can unlock and the perks the specimens grant to the research operation. In Paralogue all tags are unlocked from the beginning, but in the finished game you will need to achieve certain goals in combat to increase your affinity with the specimens.

There will be no recycling animation assets, which means all sex scenes between the girls with their sex partners are unique and befitting their character. Erika will not share the same poses with Alet when breed by the same specimen.

Additionally, In 0.20 a new monster among Insect from Shaggai, Lloigor and Gnoph-Keh will be introduced to the game. There is also a 50% chance that we can finish Alet's stealth suit before wrapping up the build.




Thanks for the preview! Different voice sets for different phases would be awesome. Or at the very least one for resist/deny, for accept/indulge, and for succumb. They should fuck different based on their mood. 😊

Frank Leo

Thank You




Hey, any updates for the loli character?? I was looking forward to that!


Will there be future oral positions with alet and erika that are not with monsters?


Character design is the most time consuming task in this line of work.


Story mode please


will there be completely new animation in story mode than in paralogue ? If not it seem that watching it now will break joy of playing complete game . Where will story mode be lanched?


i would not be opposed to recycling animations between the girls. I can imagine some animations working well with both girls since they have similar body structure. wonder if all parts would align properly though.


That looks like some VERY sexy boots for Erika <3


What will the new monsters look like? Will we get oral monster scenes?


Lovely Acronym.. ;-) Will RAIDS follow themes? For example.. "R" Resist - Non Consensual with emphasis on male dominating positions and struggling. "A" Accept - Submission with emphasis shame, humiliation, embarrassment or crying. "I" Indulge - Femdom with emphasis on aggressive female domination or Mind Break / Ahegao. "D" Deny - Non Consensual with a emphasis on the victim winning the struggle by kicking, punching, pushing, wiggling, shaking, or twisting free. "S" Succumb - Unconscious sex. The victim has become incapacitated and succumb to their injuries. I think if RAIDS follows more organized sexual fetish themes, it will be easier for the player to rapidly identify with a playstyle and makes it easier on the animator to think of ideas for each of the 4 to 5 girls that's fits there personality. For example, Resist Animations - Alet maybe more of a fighter and Galatea may be of squirmer. By following a structured theme, more time can be devoted to personalizing the animations. - Just my 2 cents.


Will you be releasing more customization for Erika in this? the way her model looks is a lot better in Fallen Doll for some reason. Would love to hear more about planned updates to Erika as well in Fallen Doll, I know I Keep asking for this every update but still waiting to hear a response if possible. If nothing is planned for Erika please let me know. I know you released final plans but wanted to know if more customizations/features are planned for FD.


Do you think you could leave some room in the "accept" and "indulge" category for some consensual sex?


I see no need for you to completely refrain from recycling animations between the girls, both of them have a pretty similar body type. I would advise you not to make such an ambitious promise so early in development of the game, especially when you haven’t even scratched the surface of the actual gameplay. If won’t recycle animations then please give us more customization options for their bodies. Personally I think you should recycle more of your current animations, such as recycling the animations between partners. I think the Hound has some of the best positions but I find the Hound to be my biggest turnoff in the game so far.


I think the reason why I never really consider consensual sex as a possibility is because of the combat system. Every encounter started off as a battle, so in combat there really can't be two winners. There is a winner and a loser. However, when you consider the personalities of the different girls, one of the girls could be more of a willing participant then the others. Maybe she empathizes with them, pity them, or is bat shit crazy enough to think a marriage to a 3 tentacle blob of eyeballs is perfectly normal and society won't judge. That's kinda the point I want to stress, by keeping with structured themes, you can explore ideas such as "consensual sex" by tailoring the animations to fit the different personalities of each girl, while still staying in a organized category of fetishes for the animations so the animator(s) can have some guidelines on how to proceed, and the players can easily identify with a character, fetish, and playstyle.


Here is a more detailed example of what I mean.. Erika - is a willing participant, and agrees with the project. She identifies with the monsters and is more prone to "consensual sex" and in some case "loving sex". In respect to RAIDS, even in situations like "Deny", she is more respectful to the monsters, attempting to plead, beg, and apologize, rather then punch, kick, or use violence because of her personality. She denies the monster the victory and appears as if she is winning, while using non violent means, because she is more loving to the monsters. Galatea - Is a unwilling participant. She hates the projects. Loathes the scientists, hates the monsters, and wants to destroy the lab. In respect to RAIDS, in situations like "Deny" she would gladly kick, punch, push, or stab one of the monsters. She denies the monster the victory through brutal violence because of her anger towards the monsters. As you can see in both situations. A structured fetish theme can still yield the same results, but the visuals can be radically different. The personalities makes the animations unique for each character, and helps you as the player identify with one character over another, and possibly even identify with a play style, if game mechanics (buffs, skills, special attacks) for each girl is different.


We have plans to add more outfits for Erika in Paralogue. Other than that it's hard to say as we can't predict what stands out in the polls.




Being Paralogue has combat with monsters.. Will there be a option for "Damaged" clothes to go along with Fully clothed, Partially clothed, and Nude ? It kinda feels more immersive to see ripped shirts and tops, torn skirts and bottoms, as well as broken and destroyed armor. Another thing I would like to see, is sweat play a factor on clothing materials making it more transparent.




Are there any plans to add the ability to interact with the girls as in using the motion controller to touch or use tools on the girls? Or spank them with motion controls?

Man Man

the week is over ;)


The update is live now :3