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Technically speaking this is still too early to discuss and is not going to bear much fruit in the span of a year or two, but I don't think we should hide anything from our supporters. Details are confidential, however I'll provide as much info as possible.

A publisher has invited us to take part in their non-exclusive partner program as content provider, aiming to fit their cloud gaming platform with adult titles of next generation quality. We don't need to do anything extra on our side so the development will not be affected at all by this initiative.

We're not entirely sold on this idea and I'm skeptical who would wish to play adult games on the subway with their smart phone, but if cloud gaming becomes mainstream with the coming era of 5G you can basically run the game anywhere on any potato, that'd be a good news to macbook users and players who find it difficult to maintain stable fps or play at max settings with their rig, in the meantime that'll also give us much more leeway to implement cutting edge features such as ray tracing and hair simulation.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder how far technology can push the limits. Maybe one day in the not so far distant future, domestic robot girls like Erika will be with us in real life. (Actually a Holland strip club has already contacted us for using Erika's model on their motion captured live shows.)



Google stadia cloud gaming 👋👋

John Wang

"Actually a Holland strip club has already contacted us for using Erika's model on their motion captured live shows" This catches my attention.


Everything is undecided now. We'll focus on the game itself, that's for sure.

Prince Unsmoothtoes

Obligatory "As long as you didn't sell your soul to EPIC GAME STORE!" I kid I kid.

Prince Unsmoothtoes

Oh and in the "Age of Androids" wamen will no longer be useful to the male race. /cough /cough /smile /smirk. I'm kidding just kidding, really!


С каждым месяцем о вас узнают больше людей. Вы знамениты в интернете, на игру делали обзор. Вы делаете лучшую игру. Поэтому спасибо вам.


While there may not be a reason to play this game on a subway, I do this see this game as one of the few applications for Cloud Gaming. There are no requirements for extremely quick response time, and the hardware involved in running this game at the highest settings are actually quite extensive. This may allow a much broader audience to pay and access this game for a subscription fee, as we all do now. Which pays for more development and more content. All without the upfront cost of a high-end rig to run this beautiful game at its maximal settings. The Internet is for porn anyway.




Wow! This had become pretty big. Well done.


As long as its not exclusive or something, I don't care. I don't have good internet where I live so I will never be able to use cloud gaming, but as long as I have the option to still be able to install it on my own hardware and run it, then I don't care. If anything its good to expanded to as many platforms as you can.


They may ask for early access rights or some exclusive stuff, but we'll make sure to reduce the impact to a minimal level. Still, too early to delve into details.


not going to work for vr


Assume this means you still keep full control over your IP. This is very exciting news indeed.


As long as it does not affect current patreons tiers and pledges. Project Helius should at least keep the rights to deliver final games as "a total of $24+ pledge will get you the full uncensored game after the development is completed (A drm free copy and a steam key)". What I am trying to say is make it available to steam platform and patreons who pledge more than 24 dollars. Why not make a different exclusive game for this cloud gaming company. And tell them you could also bring Fallen Doll and Paralogue to their platforms but non exclusive rights. If they are paying you good money. Project Helius can hire more people and work on two games at same time. Maybe share same animations via non exclsuive tiltles and exclusive titles. This are just my opinions and thoughts as a patreon member. In the end you have the ultimate say. I wish Project Helius to be successful and make their beautiful games available for all adult customers.

Saul Goodman

Adult Games probably fit the cloud gaming model best. The lag / input delay doesn't hurt as much as it does in say, action games. Although as it is now cloudbased VR would probably be vomit inducing.

Frank Leo

我建议不要轻易相信这些提议。 虽然提议可能让人心动,但事实绝对不会有利于你 ... 那些商人只会利己不会利你,要多多小心商业陷阱。 把自己这游戏制作好,在STEAM上卖出才是重点。




Absolutely nothing will change for now. We are responsible for our supporters here on Patreon. Using the fund you pledged to develop exclusive games for another platform is against our morals.




Thanks for informing, lately game devs and companies have not been loyal to their customers and supporters. The least they could do is inform upcoming changes or reason for change in development. I personally appreciate the work that is put into this project, and hope to see the finished product.


I'm gonna be honest: this sounds terrible. Cloud gaming is a mere buzzword in an age where hardware progression has met a small slump. The infrastructure to allow the concept to work doesn't currently exist with blanket-coverage in any country, nor will it be possible in the context of VR for at least another decade. I'm not saying that it's bad to try out new things and push further, but I reflexively shuddered when I read the word "publisher". That word always comes with dependencies, restrictions and a loss of freedom. I really hope it's just some side-project where it's like "okay, you can put my game on there as it is." to make some extra money and nothing you have to make any compromises for - be it technical or content-wise.


Rest assured that we aren't gonna sell our souls to big evil corporations lol, I wouldn't quit my job to make the game in the first place if I like that idea one bit. Edit: I deleted a fraction of the reply to avoid confusion. So to sum up: It functions exactly as you hoped for - we'll stay indie and no compromise will be made. It's simply another platform we will put the games on.


I am no longer supporting this project. You have two unfinished games with nearly unusable controls and zero polish. Your "DRM" system is more advanced than your user interface and now you are talking with "cloud providers"? This project does not feel like it's about the community and delivering on the original product / game, it's turned into a commercial venture where the good faith of your user base is being milked for what it's worth. No thanks.


I stated very clearly in both the post and comments that no effort will be diverted to this and I would not define adding the game to another platform as some sort of commercial venture (on a side note, we would be making f2p gacha mobile games now if we intended to milk money and prey on consumers. Relying on donation is probably one of the most non commercial ways to sustain a studio). No idea where that hostility comes from but I respect your decision anyways.


As long as u still make high quality smut I'm happy






Whenever someone tries to support an adult gaming developer, aways stays skeptical


Yep, we are not going full cloud either. It's just another platform for users who don't want to build a powerful rig.


Wait a sec, I sense misunderstanding. Probably I should have made it clear in the post that the original release plan is not changed at all. You still have your drm free copy and steam key.


I dont think cloud gaming will ever fully "take over" because of latency. I can't even stand to play games streamed from the next room over gigabit LAN. I can feel 10-20ms of latency easily. Especially on platform games. Hell, a single frame of delay from modern LCDs drives some folks nuts! lol BUT for RPGs and adult games.. sure why not?

John E. Hale

There's no way cloud gaming can become the new normal because there are too many game genres that can't be played as they were intended when being streamed. There is just too much latency. On top of that, it's very restrictive in the development of new games. It'll stagnate the gaming industry even worse than it is currently.


Fwiw, I have been using both Fallen Doll and Paralogue purely using "cloud" gaming (EC2 instances with GPUs) as I only have an older MacBook laptop. Entirely playable, as there is an AWS datacenter relatively close to me, maybe 80-100ms away (haven't measured).