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Erika's default costume in FD's sequel. Will be added to Fallen Doll in update 1.31 so you get to see Erika in her serious mode.




Everything about it oozes sexy. Love it!!


Wow looks amazing. Really looking forward to it


I love it


Is this going to be the last update of FD or are you going to continue adding small updates for clothing and possibly hairstyles while the sequel is being developed? And I say clothing and hairstyles because you guys have a lot of sex scenes already and wasn't sure if you are going to add more.


When will the 1.31 will be available?


Hi! Since the creator is not answering me; can someone tell me if I unlock anything that isnt in the free beta by being a 4 dollar patreon? and is there femdom or even story in this game? Wanna know these things before I pledge more! Thanks a lot.


As of now it just has a free play mode and I think the story mode is coming later. And yes there are a few femdom scenes too. Not sure what update the beta is at the moment but I personally think the 1.29 build is pretty good. You may want to take a look at the sequel though as I believe they are transitioning to that one. I've ask what their plans are for the current FD and hope they see my comment


hi ... where do i find update 1.30??


The beginning of April has passed as I promised. Why aren't you giving me a fallen doll yet?


there is a game named "Mortal blitz". a good reference for your combat suit.