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This week we are focusing on preliminary UX design of the story mode and two special actor types: Child-like and overweight males. Unlike ordinary actors who lack distinguishable features, they are unique and rare in the game: you can only encounter them in VIP appointment events.

Child-like and overweight characters have special ways of sexual interactions due to their unusual body proportions.




Would it still be possible to set these "Special Characters" to transparent?


yeah really not interested in male characters and more on adding scenes+devices, that is your USP (Devices) because everyone else is doing this


Would there be an option to hide the paper money after every scene? Seems a bit unnecessary and distracting at times


I agree with that. All these side issues, even the polls to some extent, just seem to keep delaying the update schedule. I think most of us would prefer you to concentrate on completing the game as originally conceived and leave these tweaks for now.