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Hello Everyone, time for bit of an update for upcoming plans, and updates for some content.

As many of you know by now, the time I can spend on content creation is a bit limited at the moment. These HXH videos is what I can manage at the moment. I know it makes sense to many that HXH has been given the time I do have, but I should still explain the thinking behind it, just in case. 

HXH is the series with the most interest, engagement and growth, both here on Patreon and on YouTube. So it made a Iot of sense to not disrupt that. I mean don't get me wrong, I've been bleeding other subs nonstop for the past month or two, especially when a new HXH video goes up, but that's just the situation at the moment, I have to take it on the chin on move on. I do my best to have detailed updates about the situation in the YouTube comment sections, but the majority of people don't really look for that stuff.

I know that to many it may look like I've just become a HXH channel, but I assure you that is not the case at all, nor do I ever want it to be the case, It's just how things are at the moment. I really look forward to reintegrating Monster/Doctor to the release schedule at some point in the near future.

New HXH Tier 

The long planned New Tier will be going live in the second half of March. There will be a triple drop on the day the new tier launches, taking it to Eight Early Access episodes for that tier. Then the new schedule with the additional upload day will kick in from that point on.

Targeting Friday, March 15th as the new tier launch day. The New Tier will be accessible on the day it goes live, not on March 1st. I've looked into it, and anyone who decides to make the jump from any of the two existing tiers will only be charged the difference between the tiers. 

HXH 1999 - Episode 1

I am aware that I should get to it sooner rather than later, just haven't been able to get it just yet. I will try to get to it this month, hopefully in the first two weeks. I do want to rewatch the first episode of the 2011 version right before it as well, for comparative and analysis purposes.

Monster/Doctor Who

I would suggest waiting till videos start going up before pledging for the Early Access/Full Length content you might be interested in. There will be Monster/DW vids in March, but I have removed specific days for now.

EVA/Vinland Saga

No, I have not given up on Vinland saga and EVA, of course not. Those will most definitely be completed. A reminder though, neither of those are a part of scheduled Patreon releases, so any Patreon content such as Full Opacity/Full Length will be accessible once they go up on YouTube. I did hear about EOE playing in theatres in the States this month. I must admit, It's certainly enticing lol, but I am committed to delivering a first time reaction to it. 

Attack on Titan Finale

Still in the rewatch phase, which is more of a slower rewatch, rather than a binge. 

March Schedule

Slight shift for HXH with the extra upload day later in the Month.

Sunday - HXH

Wednesday - HXH

Friday - HXH (Once the new Tier goes live)


Doctor Who


I went ahead and refunded a lot of pledges already, just based on the regulars I recognized from the Monster/Doctor Who videos. If anyone else is here specifically for those two shows , please DM me so I can refund that pledge. 

Please take all of this into account before you decide to stay on as a Patron for March :)

Thank you.


Alex Flores

Hey Im for the new tier, will the short length be dropping same Time as full length? Or will it be like the new set up where it drops 2-3 days later


Respectful people get respect back! Thank you for your transparency. I have not been following specific updates and what not, but I'm sure everyone wants what's best for you. Take your time sorting things out and don't worry about keeping people waiting too much, I think your fanbase is one of the most mature ones on the internet. Again, thanks for the update and enjoy the shows😁