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There was an unfortunate technical hiccup with a portion of the audio for the analysis portion. I wasn't able to fix the issue, so a segment had to be abandoned.  It's right as I'm beginning to discuss Bisky's assessment of Killua being fragile, it will cut to a segment about Binolt. 





Finally! I always look forward to your analyses!


Thank you for a knowledging Gon’s cleverness. It’s a trait consistently overlooked by hxh fans Also hxh has the best side characters


No worries on the technical side man, I know it’s probably frustrating for you but it happens


I'm so beyond hyped for the next half of the show after this discussion. It is such a delight to hear you talk about hxh👌


Surprisingly the best discussion so far? Man's squeezing water out of rocks (pun intended). I have to admit I thought this was going to be a borish episode for you since it's only trainining but you managed to make so many good parallels and callback and put many things into perspective. You can apply all of this things to the Phantom Troupe. Often times people are dealt a bad hand at birth and they have to make the most out of it. You've noticed the inequality and poverty of the HxH world, how your upbringing and trauma can totally change the trajectory of your life, Gon & Killua's ying-yang representation which translates to dual nature of existence and human behaviour. The core of your personality always stays the same but how it's expressed outwardly is totally different. "the brighter the light the darker the shadow" vice-versa "the darker the light the brighter the shadow". Such a fascinating philosophical concept...how can evil and good co-exist within the same person and how to strike a balance between both? The light that was taken away from Binolt, the robbed childhood of Killua and how Gon was able to reignite that hope, life, opportunity. It's insane the amount of discussion and debate your analysis can generate but I will hold off for now, lets just enjoy Greed Island.

Wolf Hunter

this is such a good eppisode.

Wolf Hunter

Where you really surprised? I was expecting a long discussion for this eppisode. This is a fan favourite. Also for a lot of people training arcs are some of the best arcs of any story. Not that tbere is anything wrong with being surprised by that. I guese i'm surprised you are surprised. 😁


I'm honestly surprised by myself too. I wrote off this episode as another GI training session maybe the more I rewatch it doesn't stand out as much. I wasn't aware of this being a fan favorite. There's usually a blur in my mind when watching GI. I'm looking forward to different moments in GI but I wasn't anticipating this type analysis from Im.


Hey bro, I was thinking a few others might value you just posting the audio transcript for the segment that had technical issues. People might prefer just reading it.


Amazing analysis


He can also move that portion to the next episode

Payam Sharifi

Honestly this episode reminds me of their keep away game with Netero in episode 7. Both sort of serve as training exercises, a way to show the audience their current capabilities, and a way to bring out certain parts of Gon and Killua's personalities. I also think that it's notable that in both instances, Gon rejects the supposed goal of the exercise (taking the ball from Netero, beating Binolt as a team) when he realizes it's unachievable or too easily achievable, and comes up with his own goal and rules to get what he wants to get out of the exercise.


Hopefully we can get the missing Killua being fragile portion in someway but either way fantastic discussion!


will there be no conclusion to vinland?