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I just wanted to say that I hope you are doing ok and wish for you to take care of yourself 💜 thank you for this discussion stay safe and healthy

Jonathan baez

I hate going through these so quick but i cant help it lol


Greed Island is crazy underrated! I think in terms of reactions is one of the most favorite because it's still feels fresh and new in my mind. I love going through all the crazy cards and descriptions beyond the anime and think of all the different possibilities and scenarios. Very Yu-Gi-Oh esque. As you mentioned every character in HxH is super smart, they always have a logical and strategic plan of action and think things through, very Togashi like to put so much emphasis in thought process. Very similar to you as well. Bisky is so awesome I love her so much. Looking for to more Troupe business and other characters.


One of the few episodes were I almost remember nothing from it. The only thing I remembered from this episode was the Bisky/Killua/Gon meetup anything else was almost new to me


Every time the name 'Poo Hat' gets mentioned, I absolutely lose it.


Togashi out here casually creating a whole game by himself lol


Togashi is known to be a fan of Dragon Quest.


Omg Lost! I'm not sure if you like watching Lost reactions but Restores are great and maybe up your alley.

Tnv Madhav

yup Togashi is a gamer and he loves dragon quest


any updates on vinland ?


i’m mostly here for that i might throw in the towel hope wise soon though 😭 it’s been a while since it’s even been acknowledged