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You know about your comment on Gon and Killua's friendship, you're actually picking up on something many fans noticed. "Killugon" is quite the popular ship in the fandom. It is said that Killua has a one-sided crush on Gon. Obviously it's a bit of a grey area, there's a fine line between friendship and love. I also think they are soulmates, wheter it is purely platonic or if some kind of romantic feelings are involved, no one knows. It could be seen both ways I think. They definitely have a wholesome bromance and meaningful relationship. It's ok you picked up on it too. I guess everyone is free to interpret how they want 😊

Jonathan baez

I dont think killua had any cards in his binder. He was more surprised that gon didn’t have any because he already had a save file

Indra Villa

HXH is my favorite anime, I love just how much one can get out of it, be it the power system, the storylines, the characters and their relationships, and how they all intertwine. I think that rewatching it with you, and hearing all of your thoughts, might be the best way I've ever reconsummed media, I feel like I gain so much from your enjoyment and your analysis. You're so incredibly perceptive that for someone that has been in the fandom for a while like myself, it's very refreshing to see you picking up on subtext or theorizing, and some things you even make me realize for the first time. What an anime, what a reactor, and what a journey still ahead of us.


I appreciate your take on Gon and Killua’s friendship. At this point, it’s pretty clear that Killua and Gon’s friendship has several layers. I think the author deliberately leaves it up to the interpretation of the audience. One sided crushes are quite the realistic take and something that a lot of us can relate to. Whether Killua’s feelings for Gon are romantic or not, it’s cool that Togashi writes in such a way that does not exclude the possibility.


Illumi once said to Killua in their encounter back in the Hunter Exam "You don't know how to classify Gon, He's too dazzling for your eyes" it really stuck with me. Killua looks at Gon from the distance almost like a normal person would look to the stars, the closer they get the more mesmerized they are. Of course people are free to interpret their relationship however they want but I like how you use the word soulmate, they are different but the same. By traveling together they become one and complement each other. "Gon, I am the one who must thank you, I'm glad to have met you" that's called gratitude. Even though he doesn't communicate that to Gon you can feel every ounce of that emotion. So emotional.


I definitely always felt their relationship was special in a non-exclusive type of way. It really feels like its up to interpretation, intentionally. That said, that screen grab you have of Gon sitting under the building waiting for Killua. Its almost that unbridiled excitement that you can't really interpret how he feels or what he's even thinking. It almost feels like he could keep going and say something interesting or even unexpected and then Killua just pops up and ends it very abruptly. I never seen it like that while watching it before.


The Killua/Gon moment is definitely one of my favorite moment as well thus far!


Although plenty of series have that kind of romantic "crush" development between the main teenage leads, I do think part of the reason it feels weird to view Gon/Killua's relationship like this is how rare it is to have a series do this between two male leads, to the point where it even leads someone like Im, who really doesn't usually see things that aren't there, to second guess it. I felt like this too on my first watch, but now I do feel like there is some ambiguity there that was written in intentionally by Togashi. And although I don't really like to view their relationship in that way myself, I do think that the possibility of Killua having a "crush" on Gon opens up a lot of different analysis and interesting character moments for Killua especially, from this point in the series forward.


I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me it’s not the two males leads bit that makes it feel a bit strange to think about sometimes. It’s simply because they’re kids. So discussing that angle can feel a tad bit strange at times, but that angle is certainly there.


That's part of it too yeah, but them being 12/13 years old at this point, lots of other animated shows don't shy away from depicting this kind of innocent crush (ATLA for example with Aang and Kataara). It was definitely a moment that made me re-examine some of my inherent biases, for sure. As others said, though, not weird to pick up on that at all, it's a common thought among fans of the series.


Personally I don't see how the romantic angle between Gon and Killua being thrown around makes any sense. No disrespect but brotherhood and childhood boys bonding and developing deep friendship does not necessarily indicate in any way romantic feelings between them both. I can't speak for everyone else but if you've experienced brotherhood before its like having a soulmate, doesn't mean you're attracted to them sexually though hahah, it just seems like fans interpreting nothing into something..


It's not that serious really, nobody's saying that two boys who are close friends need to be necessarily romantically involved, just that in this specific and particular case, the author seems to have portrayed things in a way that can be ambiguously viewed as "romantic" attraction of some sort from Killua's side. It doesn't invalidate their bonds of friendship or brotherhood in any way, either.