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Not able to read comments right away, due to potential spoilers. I usually come back to them after I get a green light.

Also, these videos have to be viewed on Patreon, as they are embedded through Vimeo integration. So there is no link to go to.


(No title)



Appreciate you trying to get this out quickly so January patrons can still watch it


I was referring to it in the context of Kurapika and the troupe recently, in relation to being level headed.


Hey Im, I am a fan of how you did the full length + full early access, skipping the pure reaction upload. I find the pure reaction upload a bit of a misnomer, it's less work for you this way, and much more efficient!

Alex Flores

Wow this was a 17 minute reaction huh… that’s rare maybe never before done for an anime?


"I didn't expect the chain user to be a woman" *Kurapika takes wig off* "Did I say I was ? Don't be fooled by appearances" *looks the exact same but with shoulder length hair* Funniest moment in the whole show for me !


I appreciate going straight to discussions! Thanks so much!!!


Both of your statements are wrong. Pakunoda can access memories from objects she touches and Kurapika is a good at executing plans but he isn't always level headed.


I'm here for the Leorio appreciation!! real mvp lol


This sounds so embarrassing to say but after watching Im analyse EP 57, I found myself watching a few more episodes analysing the scenes myself, trying to anticipate what Im would pick up and react to. A few episodes turned into 5, 5 turned into 10.. 10 turned into 20... After reading the manga a few times and after multiple rewatches I still find myself forming new learnings & perspectives to extract from the narrative. This story is a gift that keeps on giving. If I had to rank my personal narrative top 5, out of all forms of art, HxH would easily make the top 10. The only other fictional stories that have had such a deep impact on me, or that I found conveyed stories in such a profound way - perhaps through editing or cinematography, or excellent writing in general would be: Boyhood, Pulp Fiction, La Haine, Welcome to the NHK, Kill Bill Vol 1 & 2, and maybe Requiem for a Dream. Spirited Away and Clannad After Story get an honourable mention as well.

Matthew Houston

Hunter both in print and in anime is definitely the gift that keeps on giving. Especially as you re-run it and recontextualize everything, from events to dialogue to even simple facial expressions


the car scene becomes 10 times funnier if you imagine Leorio and Melody as the mom and dad in the front seat scolding the 2 siblings fighting in the back lmao


Yep. Just seeing Gon again in the last episode where he asks Chrollo, "How can you kill people you don't even know." And if you look at Gon's face its almost like he was disgusted and ready to beat Chrollo's ass right there. Of course its anime and it can only be so detailed but the way it looks to me atleast, Gon is asking the questions and ready to throw hands regardless of what Chrollo says. That was awesome and I never seen it that way before.


I watched a few episodes ahead as well, just to refresh myself on what's to come, and before I knew it I had re-watched the whole show 😭 AGAIN

Tnv Madhav

truly incredible


hey man good to see you back! I hope all is well, and i’m loving the hxh reactions! excited to see your reaction to the coming arc. I was also wondering if you were able to provide any update on vinland? should people here for those episodes specifically (while maybe a minority) stick around for the release sometime or is that one potentially going to have to get cut short?