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Not able to read comments right away, due to potential spoilers. I usually come back to them after I get a green light.

Also, these videos have to be viewed on Patreon, as they are embedded through Vimeo integration. So there is no link to go to.





I can definitely understand why you didn’t like the choice of using the ED for the narration of the ending of this episode. But honestly for me it’s too damn iconic now to upset me 😄 personally I think that music works because it feels like the arc just keeps building and building with every episode and it enhances my longing to watch the next one


As Kon said the anime made a mistake... Kurapika is not supposed to have his chains out. Also yeah the ending song playing at the end there is basically a meme in the fandom at this point lol Probably the worse ending song placement in the whole show

Jonathan baez

Even though he doesn’t say or do anything would of been fun to see Im’s reaction if they left the great grandfather in the anime