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Monster EP 29 OP



The most disturbing part for me is just how easy and effortless it was for Johan to break him, just completely calm and collected, no sense of urgency whatsoever. He read him like a book and practically reverted the entire healing process Richard was going through the last couple episodes in an instant. It's even more impressive when considered that this is arguably the worst time to kill him in this way considering Richard has made such a recovery this episode.

A Toilet Duck

Absolutely sensational episode, this. One of my favourites of the whole series. Visually absolutely breath-taking, both in terms of the quality of the drawings, and in terms of the direction, the scene transitions and the use of space and the time spent on each frame, a standalone masterpiece in visual storytelling in my opinion. Paired with some top quality sound design, and I think excellent acting performances across the board, an honest 10/10 episode for me. As you've been saying, many of us will have clocked pretty early on that Richard's story was set up to go this way, all the signs were pointing to it, and honestly things coming to a head this very episode has also been clear for a couple now, and yet still, the way that it's executed (sorry) here is so impactful. I think it's a sign of excellent storytelling when you're able to shock your audience, without necessarily surprising them, and that'd be how I felt watching this one for the first time. Furthermore, I think this is the episode where many of us in the audience will truly feel a strong emotional reaction to Johan for the first time. Up to this point, he's always been the villain, of course, and we're all aware of what he's capable of how he operates and all the rest, but personally this episode was the one where I can say that for the first time that Johan truly terrified me, disgusted me. It'd been coming, of course, but still hurts to see. Richard was a real one, a standout character from this series for me.