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I am not able to read comments at the moment, due to potential spoilers. These patreon comment sections have had comments I would consider to be spoilers, as recently as the last video, and there is no Mod functionality on Patreon.


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I know there are some YouTubers (one big one specifically) who didn't like season 2 because he didn't like it covering the side characters. However, I think most really love season 2 and how much it quickly escalates the story

Dean Cyphers

Random question, but after seeing the pictures he chose during the discussion and noticing the small detail like kurapika and shalnark’s eyebrows are animated OVER their hair lines. This seems to be done for anime in general but does anyone know why they do this? To me it always seems distracting and unnecessary if they could just save the time to not animate them over their own hair? Very minor detail I know, but it’s always odd to see this lol


I imagine it's to help convey their current emotions/expressions. Eyebrows play a big part in the faces we make so having them covered by hair would lose that. At the same time it would be very limiting to only design hairlines that dont cover the eyebrows at all.


Maybe it'd be good to write up some "how to not spoil" guidelines? Everyone understands not to drop the ye olde "snape kills dumbledore" spoiler but not everyone realizes they might accidentally spoil stuff just by mentioning something in passing. IMO making any future statements about a character should be a no no. Only discuss things shown in the episode or previous episodes. Type stuff as if you have the same amount of information as FilmBuff etc. etc.


The photos came from the Phantom Troupe social media profile


I love the amount of effort Togashi took to study appraising for this episode. Also Zepile is just a great character.