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A Toilet Duck

Got to echo your reaction to the episode ending when it did, I remember this one flying by when I first watched it. Completely engrossing from start to finish, packed with great moments for various characters, most notably Johan. There's something just so compelling about that guy, he's almost enchanting to watch, and, that scene where Johan describes the scenery to Schubert (or Schuwald? I may be misremembering, but I was certain that his name was Schuwald, perhaps different Subs give him a different name? Or, I could just be wrong, has happened before!) is actually one of my favourite scenes from the series, it's one of the first scenes that comes to mind for me when I look back on the series as a whole, utterly iconic.


No, you remembered correctly. It's definitely a thing with different subs; I can't say for certain which one's correct but as a german I'm guessing Schubert since that's an actually common surname. Same thing with how I believe Lunge's actual name is Runge