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DW 10x2 FL



This episode gives me call backs to the Empty Child (S01) with Nancy making sure the homeless children of war torn London were fed. Also I get Star Whale vibes with Amy's first trip to the future. Of course, both Moffat episodes so it makes sense. Lovely little episode, with an ominous ending.


I like this episode more than "Smile", and I think it has a lot of good stuff. It's definitely a lot more rewatchable than the typical Companion's-first-historical-episode, which can be pretty bland. The standout for me is the talk between Bill and The Doctor. Although I feel like this episode is a bit flippant with death, (yes they take it seriously, but it's just so sudden and jarring) Bill being affected by it is good. And I think maybe because it's near the end of Twelve as a character but we don't get any petty/stupid drama (Think: Nine with Rose in "End of the World" (or Father's Day for that matter), and Eleven with Amy in "The Beast Below") that results from this. It's refreshing after how Twelve/Clara's relationship was one big dramafest, lol. The Doctor also coldly stating that he's 2000 years old and has never had the luxury of outrage (granted, it becomes subverted later, along with his assertion that reason, not passion, is what wins) is a good indication that the Twelve we know from Season 8 is still very much there. And I like that the only thing he was really wrong about was how detached he is to people, his pragmatism about moving to save more lives is kind of reinforced with the way Bill has to move on after watching that lackey die -- though a bit more contemplating on that would have been good, rather than the cheery Christmas movie ending that we got with the kids. I also wish the Doctor and Bill talked more about the ethics of releasing the animal. There's a very obvious parallel to Kill The Moon with the whole setup and the Doctor leaving it up to the human to make a decision for humanity. I would've liked to see a more explicit indication of the Doctor learning from the situation with Clara and acting differently, though maybe it is different enough because he doesn't leave and hide information from her. • "Your species never notices anything" cut to the Doctor missing the TARDIS' 'lifeform detected' alarm • I like Bill asking about the butterfly effect. The companions are usually always audience surrogate characters that serve to prompt exposition from the Doctor, but in this case it really just feels like an authentic character moment • Considering how involved they were, the kids weren't as annoying as they could've been. But I often feel like the creators expect the children to make me go "Awwwww" and instantly care about the characters. Maybe in like a decade when I'm a parent it will work on me, but for now I don't have that lens and I can't take the "Where's Spider?" moment seriously • As well as Kill The Moon, I also got reminded of The Empty Child a bit, with the whole found family dynamic and especially the kids feasting at the end

Jonathan Giles

Such a great episode. Getting closer and closer to fully catching up. Still hoping to see the torchwood spin off someday lol. Thanks again