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DW 10x2 EA



Not much to say on the episode itself other than I like the colors and contrasting aesthetics. I will say, "To see if it's happy" has no right being that darn endearing and wholesome for a companion's only second episode in the show. I'm almost as traumatized by that eggplant tangent as when you made me picture Gendo being breastfed by Yui in one of the Eva discussions... On S10 discourse, the people that like it, like it (who would've thunk) and consider it to be very strong, but it's kind of stuck in between a rock and a hard place otherwise. Commercially, Capaldi's run performed poorly as each season got less viewers than the last (Tennant peaked in his third season and Smith at least remained consistent), and critically a lot of detractors had Moffat fatigue and were just clocked out. I suspect this motivated Moffat's jumping-on-point approach for S10, and I'm glad he went with that even though it didn't attract many new viewers. It's good to have a more grounded premise for the Doctor-Companion dynamic. No starry-eyed admiring, quippy flirting, or timey-wimey fated encounters. So it was a good strategic move by the BBC to bring in a female Doctor to revitalize interest just in the nick of time. I just wish it was done with a stronger showrunner. I hope RTD can usher in not just a great era / couple seasons of writing, but set the show up for success in the future with the many other creative visions that will steer it in different directions, as I really don't want a situation where the show has to constantly bring up twists or recycled staff / actors to get the audience re-invested. Wow, I can't believe we're in the month of the first 60th special.

Marcel Wannieck

The filming location for this was the City of Arts and Sciences (Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències) in Valencia, Spain

Lina Elh

when is the hxh episode droping :(


Episodes for both tiers went up yesterday. It gets pinned, so it’s always at the top.

Lina Elh

okay thank you so much, i truly enjoy it :)