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DW Special EA



Also, I do not remember exactly if you watched this but when River mentions there were two of you I think it was referring to this minisode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5e6UU_YUCE&t=2s


Yeah, there was a break between series 9 and 10. I think it was a scheduling issue? Moffat was producing two shows at the same time (this and Sherlock), I think it had something to do with that. So, two Christmas specials in a row. But we did get a one series spinoff called 'Class' during that hiatus! It focused on a group of students from Coal Hill Academy (the school Clara worked at!) as they dealt with alien threats and whatever. I never got around to watching it myself, but I've heard good things


This reaction dropped at the most perfect moment, as on Friday they just confirmed River Song actress Alex Kingston is one of the key guests at the Doctor Who convention I'm going to in February. Like you I am a massive fan of the River story arc. Having that conclusion was such an amazing idea, and wonderfully executed. I think the chemistry between Kingston and Capaldi was instant. This is the point in the Doctor's timeline when he knows her the most. Her first episode, the library, is the point when she knows the Doctor the most. What a wonderful way to bookend their relationship.


I cried so much watching this episode. So glad that you enjoyed it so much. I really loved the Doctor/River relationship all throughout the NuWho series and always felt that it was done so well and the actors were always so wonderful. Capaldi and Kingston's chemistry was just so magical in this one episode and I would've loved to have seen more of them together, but this was just so delightful. So thankful that Moffat gave us a wonderful episode to close off her storyline.