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Series 8 and nine are so thematically rich, dealing in themes of death, loss and grief. They are interwoven throughout


Hellbent is probably one of the most devisive episodes in Doctor who. There are people who love it and there are people who hate it. Subversive in nature, It starts like a typical finale, high stakes, end of the world type stuff and then switches to an intimate character piece. I can understand that some people could find it quite underwhelming especially if they were expecting that type of finale. Coming of the back of arguably the best Doctor who episode maybe adds to that. However if you look at series 9, I think there's clear foreshadowing that things may go that way. In Dark Water the Doctor refuses to bring Danny back,knowing the damage it could cause. The girl who died, he states that he's sick of losing people. Before the Flood "I'll come back for you,I swear. The Doctor's promise to himself to save people, even just one,becomes his undoing. There is a criticism that this undoes Clara's death scene but Clara dies in Face the Raven. Her ending is not in Hell bent. Her ending is in Face the raven. Her appearance in Hell Bent is post death because It's already happened. I can also see it's flaws. Maybe the longer run time isn't necessary but I still think there's a lot to like. Clara becomes a Doctor with her own TARDIS and companion. I think it's fitting for a companion who left such an impression on the doctor.