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Gahh, the excitement! Gon's trick on Ponzu was quite interesting. Netero seems like such a goofy guy, very reinforced by his voice I feel.

Termind Terguta

I just love how togashi can explain Gon in such a sublime way. Gon admitting his egoism in helping his friends is sooo good for a shonen manga. This type of manga have the porpoise to teach things to the new generations (since shonen manga are designed for 12-18 year boys) but here togashi basically doesn't want Gon to be any role model for no one. He felt that bad after being defeated by hisoka that the only way he could have respect of himself again was by helping someone in need, not because he genuinely wanted to help, but was a way to remember himself his value. Good job for kurapika to understand that even tho it was selfish, it's still just a 12years kid


I think your analysis on Gon "egoism" is wrong. He did genuinely WANT to help Kurapika and Leorio but also wanted reaffirmation of his self-worth by helping them because of how bad Hisoka trashed him. Those are not mutually exclusive. He's not being selfish but rather selfless in this instance, it's not egotistical of him to feel this way but rather prideful. Gon is a kind-hearted person, he accepted his shortcomings and opened up to Kurapika admeating defeat at the end, both thanking each other. He felt alone, powerless, inadequate, impotent, etc... Gon has serious issues of self-worth because Ging abandoned him. He's not exactly meant to be the perfect role model (he's still a kid after all, only 12) nor was Ging a good father to begin with. It's normal for him to take pride in his capabilities in which he and his friend heavily rely on. That's just normal.