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Payam Sharifi

I instantly got chills just from remembering what episode I'm about to watch a reaction to lol


peak of evangelion


The whole "No! This isn't me!" sequence is one of my favorites of the whole series. This time I really noticed the different sound effects. I love how it creates almost these different layers and we hear them shattering. But its crescendo into child Asuka crying "So please, look at me" is genuinely heartbreaking and gives me chills every time. That and "You won't even hold me". This episode is what made Asuka my favorite character. Looking forward to the discussion. I mentioned before these past two episodes are my favorite of Eva and after rewatching both I definitely think this one takes the #1 spot. Every scene is just a masterpiece to me.


Hmm I'll wait until the discussion but I didn't expect that one shot of Asuka in the bathroom to take you out of the scene briefly. It's subjective but IMO the scene isn't sexualized at all, and we've seen Shinji naked plenty of times so I kind of dislike the notion that because of Asuka's gender she must be getting portrayed in that manner. Especially because we've literally seen Asuka naked and sexualized before from Shinji's POV not too long ago, so I don't know why this more objective view from a wide shot made you recoil the way it did. Agree to disagree on its intentions, I guess.


I agree btw I think neither guessed the thumbnail this time haha


Yes! Any ideas for next episode's? V srry yvxr rvgure gur fubg bs gur natry, znlor rira gur Yvtug Erv orsber fur oybjf hc (gubhtu pbhyq or fcbvyref) be gur Natry/Erv vafvqr ure zvaq va gur YPY jvgu ure rlrf bofpherq.


V nz fher vg unf gb or n Erv guhzoanvy evtug? (jngpu vg abg or Erv yby) V guvax.. Erv pelvat rvgure gur gvzr va gur Rin be jura fur vf gelvat gb oernx Traqb'f tynffrf, V jnf nyfb guvaxvat gur fprar va gur YPY ohg gung bar jurer vg fubjf bar va gur ypy naq gur bgure sybngvat nobir vg, be gur fprar bs gur znal Ervf ohg gung pbhyq or n fcbvyre