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Honestly Im, I'm not sure how good these subs are. When Hisoka was talking to Gon, my copy doesn't say "you concealed all traces of your bloodlust", it uses the word "attack" instead of bloodlust. And I don't believe Gon had bloodlust, I think it was just determination to complete his mission. And I can tell it's different subs than the ones you used in the beginning because of the opening shot (fearsome monsters, exotic creatures... the word "unknown" holds magic). But I don't know, maybe your subs are good and it's mine that are off


The ones I'm using now are directly from the blu-ray, though of course even official releases are prone to questionable translations.


Fair enough, in that case I won't complain. As long as there isn't some bigger mistranslation issue, which hopefully won't happen. Thanks for answering

石原 悟

I'm good with these subs as a professional translator. The thing is, there just isn't a good English term for the word 殺気 (sakki) which is always used in any sort of battle related thingy in Japan. It's literally "aura of killing intent". You know how you can feel someone being aggressive towards you? How you can feel if they're serious about injuring you or even taking your life in a fight as opposed to kinda fooling around in a sparring session? That's sakki. The feeling of intent to harm. It's not something anime/manga/fiction in general specific. The word has been around for centuries. Fiction just shows it in an overt fashion. I wouldn't use "bloodlust" specifically in all situations, but it's good enough. As with many jp words it is nuanced and applicable in many instances depending on context. In case of Gon, there clearly was an intent to "harm" Hisoka by landing a hit on his chest to take the badge. Hisoka didn't feel it cuz Gon was able to hide those traces behind Hisoka's own immense intent to harm the guy in front of him. I think if Gon was trying to kill Hisoka, then Hisoka would've noticed. In this case it was just a light tap to take the badge. Not that strong of an intent to harm. It can be a literal bloodlust. It can be just an uneasy feeling you get when someone's thinking about harming you. Hence no single good way of translating. Again, bloodlust is good enough for this show. In my opinion.


Always appreciate your info into these things, thanks!

Joe skywalker

Irrelevant to whichever is more accurate, i think I actually prefer bloodlust. It sets up a nice comparison with Gon and Hisoka, not in depth but still worth regarding.