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I agree with the comment that this is the weakest of the Capaldi era. I probably won't even watch this one again, but will check out your review once I'm caught up. I definitely want to be here for the remaining string of episodes. In the Forest of the Night, the other contender for worst of the Capaldi era, at least has its merits. But this one is just bizarre to me. The gimmick does nothing for me, the 'twist' ending does nothing for me... I *think* that the episode has interesting concepts, but I don't *feel* that at all which tells me the writing is so mediocre that it sucks out all enthusiasm for these ideas by just feeling so bland. I don't know, maybe I will rewatch and there'll be something to it. The weird thing is how standalone it is, just one part, in contrast to all of S9. Very much makes it feels like filler.


I personally really like the breather this offers. While it's too experimental for most i especially love the PoV to emphasize the eye-contact and (albeit it's nothing outstanding) horror elements. It's the "weakest" in terms of the whole, but as a standalone it's atleast interesting.- to me. It's like "Midnight's" obnoxiously bizarre little brother.


I do hope you do watch Jodies Run at some point I'm sure you have heard the writing is not the best which I do agree I still think it's worth watching even if you don't react to it or someone gives you a list of the good episode/ plot line heavy episodes or something


Whenever you get to the end of your reaction run of Doctor Who, I'd still love to see a ranking of your top episodes!


What I do remember from this episode is the Mr Sandman bit. Nicely creepy (and in retrospect, ha Jenna Coleman in an episode with "The Sandman". And what a cute moment of her humming the melody as she tries to name the monsters!) The framing device is unique for the show, but I find the melodramatic "Don't watch this... Well, I'm warning you, you can't unsee" it kind of cringe-worthy. I know this episode isn't written by Moffat, but I feel the same with the Wifi sequence in that S7 episode (Our Clara's first introduction) and almost feel it with the "3 Words" sequence in "Dark Water" (but that is appropriately lampshaded with a fed up Doctor and brilliantly acting Capaldi going "Can you hurry up, please, or I'll hit you with my shoe"). I think I've become cynical. I didn't remember the meta storytelling element of this episode (Which I've noticed is an ongoing theme of Season 9 in this rewatch). Makes it a little more interesting, but I still feel the episode to be unsatisfying. Plus, everyone I know gets confused by this episode being a standalone since it seemingly ends as a To Be Continued, which only made the next one more jarring for them. "I might not be able to do everything I want to do in one lifetime". Great observation, and one I've shared a lot. The sleeping device in this episode is definitely an enticing idea. For me, I never thought about not sleeping but as a kid I fantasized about being able to freeze time, spend like an hour doing whatever, the unfreeze it, a few times a day. To know what to say in social situations, to get some extra studying in and still get to sleep in time, to just be able to do more. I'm especially unfortunate in that it seems I really need 8 hours of sleep to function or I'll be tired all day, and caffeine only makes me jittery but no less exhausted. Sounds typical, but I know a lot of people who are fine with 7 or 6 hours, many who will every couple weeks have days of only 4 hours and push themselves through, and even a few who claim to be able to function fine on 4. Yes, it's possible there are long-term negative effects for these people, but I do still sometimes do that calculation you mention, and honestly wish I had more 4-hour nights of sleep when I was in my teen years to get more done in the day, back when I'd be able to bounce back from that sort of thing. I'm slowly losing that ability. It's unlikely I would have utilized that time anyway, and probably would've just played more video games.