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Wolf Hunter

I love that you don't hate tonpa. To me it is so funny that his goal in life is crushing rookies. Also if this is "filler"give me filler every day :D watching gon and kilua become friends never gets old


Personally I’m completely neutral on Tonpa and his role in the story. I don’t get much entertainment from him but I don’t dislike his presence either. The memes will always be funny though! I’m glad you are having soo much fun with this series. Your energy is very infectious and I already LOVE HxH anyway.


sorry if this has been told before, but EP 13 is worth skipping ,its a recap ep


That's also what I said. Hope he doesn't waste video space on that episode.


He knows about it. I do think he should check out just the very beginning and end of the episode on his own, I think they did it in really a cute way :) Like just the first and last 30 seconds of the episode