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Immediate pre-discussion thoughts: Haha, you were certainly shocked with how close the Angel got. That's part of what makes this episode special, the fact that there's a battle in the Geo-front. Makes it feel very urgent and we get that iconic shot of Unit-02's head (oh, I talk about more parallels later, but is that another inspiration for an AOT scene that Isayama himself might've taken?). The Angel itself has a bit of a basic design, I've always found, more akin to the earlier angels (The one from episode 1 & 9, most closely perhaps). I think it's cool though, because this Angel seems to have the most raw destructive power we've seen, making light work of both Eva units and Nerv's armor, as opposed to the more sneaky infiltrative power we've seen of the last few angels from eps 13, 16 & 18, so it can be seen as like an upgraded version of what we had before. I love the parallels. To Episode 4, as you pointed out (in fact Shinji walking away on his own is reminiscent of Episode 3, so it's a callback to that era of him "running away" in a sense) but also to Episode 1 with him standing right in front of the head of Unit-01, Gendo looking down at him, confronted with the decision to pilot the "robot" and the burden of being the only one who can do it. AOT references - Unit-01 leaping from the side to punch the angel. Perhaps from the end of Season 1, Episode 24, when Eren punches the Female Titan? - The angel's arm being ripped off and landing right next to Gendo Ikari and blood splattering his face was put STRAIGHT INTO Episode 25 of S1 (anime-only) Eren rips off the Female Titan's arm and the whole thing almost hits Erwin in a similar way. - Shinji's demented smile as he fights against the angel. This one is also a 'maybe', but perhaps it's from Eren fighting the Female Titan (lol referring to it as such because you never know) in the forest, or in the city, or maybe the flashback we get when he transforms into a titan for the first time in Trost and goes "More. More" The Kaji watermelon scene is one of my favorites. Every time I heard the track from this in any earlier episodes this was the scene I couldn't help thinking of. It's very poignant and beautiful, and I think it was very peculiar for Shinji to see a potential male role model of his be reduced to such a mundane activity in the face of such destruction, and again adds to that theme of breaking the illusion of adult invincibility (or perhaps infallibility). Can someone who knows a bit about Japanese let me know if the Misato line of "He's speaking aggressively" was correct? I think it might have something to do with passive versus active voice, and Shinji talking differently than normal, but I don't want to spread misinformation. The animation at the end is so creepy and so iconic. The white eyes from a distance of Unit-01 that we see blinking so humanly, the creepy animalistic but also human but also uncanny valley nature of the crawling and almost awkwardly looking around, at the Nerv staff, at us, the audience, before it finishes its meal. Or, as Ritsuko says, "she". Oh, and I love how Unit-01 just shreds the AT field of the angel and we get that fucking awesome effect of the angel falling back, then seeing the barrier stutter into reality and the blood splat against it from inside! SO cool.


I'm gonna be really annoying for a sec (and for all I know, you're so far ahead in recording that you saw my old comment about this and are well aware) but the studio having a low budget is a myth and there's nothing supporting it. What staff have said in the years after the anime was that it had to do more with mismanagement making everything a mess than the actual money allocated to production. To me, this can be taken when analyzing the creative side and is more proof that even from the early days (Episode 4's final scene as an example) the holding on still frames for a while has always been a creative choice and not a pragmatic one. It may be a mix of both, and I'm not going to pretend like there aren't times repeating shots or minimalist animation is likely used to conserve effort/time, but when one is used in the very fourth episode for almost a whole minute, an episode that otherwise is plentiful in engaging and beautiful imagery, I don't think it's too irrational to conclude that it's baked into the style of the show rather than just being cutting corners (which you did suggest and is a strong stance of mine). And when talking about its use economically, I also see that philosophy working in a creative sense too. This show has astounding storyboarding, so repeat frames/animation not only help you remember those frames more, adding to the iconography of the show, but also make it stand out when we get so many new shots and allows for the breathtaking animation in many episodes. Overall, rather than it feeling like the show is just scraping by it feels like its own unique artpiece (in my opinion). Two things from this episode I didn't remember initially was the train scene from Toji (but as soon as I saw it I realized I had remembered it before and when I re-remember it I have to think about it for a while), and Asuka's horror as she says she can't lose (it reminds me of when she watches Rei working with Shinji in episode 9). You noticing the distorted sound effect that preceded the train scene was very relatable. Such a haunting sound that's so seared into my subconscious. There's just something so unique about the whole feeling of that scene, so jarring in its implications yet so comfortingly displayed, even in the way Toji blearily dismisses the two of them arguing as so mundane. The bubbling effect as the arm regenerates reminds me of in Bleach. I wonder if that was inspired by Eva as well in this sense. I only realized upon seeing the collage you made of frames from the episode that the alert hexagons (top left) are meant to resemble the AT Field. I clearly love this show and story, but I'm always a bit perplexed when you sing the praises of its exposition. In rewatching the show through the full reaction I've had a bit of secondhand cringe on behalf of the dialogue in some episodes and was worried you would find the exposition to be too much, so I'm pleasantly surprised to see you enjoy it even if I don't share that opinion. I will say a lot of people miss vital aspects of information in the show that they probably wouldn't if it was more explicitly stated, so you may be onto something with it being casual. My read of Asuka may be more negative than yours (though interestingly I think my read of Misato and Kaji this episode is more positive than yours). I think Misato was telling the truth, and disgust is the perfect way to describe how she'd feel about Shinji leaving. To her, being able to pilot the Eva is a gift and a privilege, one through which she makes herself valuable, as well as attaining a strong identity. I feel like Shinji throwing that away would piss her off, and she'd probably even view it as an extension of his self-hatred that she loathes about him -- or perhaps the complete opposite, for him to be able to give up the Eva shows that he doesn't believe he's as nothing without it as she does, and that, which she would perceive as an air of superiority, would piss her off even more. Plus, knowing Asuka's personality if Misato was lying and she truly did tell her to say goodbye to Shinji on her behalf then surely she would just come to the train station to see Shinji off herself. The third alternative read is that her pride would get in the way of her showing any care towards Shinji, but if that's true then again there's no chance in hell she would want Shinji to know that, so again I think Misato would be telling the truth. Just my take though.

Mati D.

This episode man, the OST "Thanatos" always gets me, so beautiful.


Oh yeah, even though Rei is an android and can be replaced her sacrifice always makes me tear up because of that song. So amazing and beautiful it gives me those "The end of times vibes" but also very uplifting and triumphant in the second part if you listen to the full version.

A Toilet Duck

Great discussion this episode, actually rather stole my thunder as I don't have much more to say that the discussion or another comment hasn't already said! As it was brought up, Gendo's office; undeniably cool, very intimidating (certainly wouldn't want to be pulled in there for a "quick chat" if you were an employee), but I do somewhat question how practical a set up that is... It's no wonder he's a pretty freaky fella, filling out all of the doubtlessly extensive paperwork surely required for his role at that desk would have me dreaming up dastardly masterplans as well!!


same, I wrote mine when i had barely woken up and thought I'll add more later but...anything was already said tbh haha It's really cool but also empty and imposing, I think he can pretty much see all of nerv from there which yeah it all fits him very well lol Though i think he leaves all paperwork to Fuyutsuki

A Toilet Duck

That's a fair point, Fuyutsuki looks like a man who's filled out some forms in his time... And I will say, to its credit, very few hazards in that office. Not a lot of things that you could trip over holding a hot cup of coffee, I'll have to give it some points for that.


ROT-13 SPOILER COMMENT V yvxr frrvat gur zvk bs guvatf Vz vf pbeerpg naq vapbeerpg ba. Ur ershfrf gb oryvrir vg'f Nqnz va Grezvany Qbtzn, ohg ur guvaxf vg'f pnyyrq Rir nxn Rin. Vg'f qrsvavgryl n tbbq vqrn, ohg gur vqrn va gur fubj vf bs pbhefr vf gung, engure guna uhznaf orvat znqr sebz Nqnz naq Rir, Rir (Rin; gur Rin havgf) vf znqr sebz Nqnz. Ur unfa'g pbaarpgrq vg dhvgr va gung jnl naq oryvrirf nyy Rin ner znqr sebz Rin (Yvyyvgu), ohg va ernyvgl Havg-01 vf havdhr va gung jnl. Unf gb jnvg hagvy Xnjbeh gb pbasvez vg, naq V jbaqre vs ur'yy qbhog vg orpnhfr obgu Traqb naq Evgfhxb jvyy zragvba (jura arvgure unf nal ernfba gb yvr) gung gurl ner znqr sebz Nqnz va hcpbzvat rcvfbqrf. V nyfb yvxr ubj va ergebfcrpg, n ybg bs guvf vfa'g rknpgyl cneg bs Traqb'f cyna. N ybg bs vg vf, qba'g trg zr jebat, ohg ur pna nyfb znarhire uvf jnl nebhaq n ybg bs guvatf. V'z abg fher gung gurl xarj gur rknpg cebcregvrf bs rnpu Natry, evtug? Gung vf hayrff, vg jnf jevggra va gur Qrnq Frn Fpebyyf gung jr arire frr. Ohg V pna frr Traqb abg arrqvat Lhv gb jnxr hc ng guvf zbzrag, nf ernyvfgvpnyyl vg pbhyq'ir unccrarq va gur arkg srj Natry rapbhagref gbb naq gubfr F2 qevirf pbhyq'ir orra vagrtengrq vagb Havg-01. "Gurl ner va ab cbfvgvba gb gel naq erfgenva [Havg-01] evtug abj, vg vf zbfg qrsvavgryl serr" *PHG GB ARKG RCVFBQR, Havg-01 vf dhvgr yvgrenyyl erfgenvarq va urnqdhnegref* YBY Jung ner crbcyr'f gubhtugf ba Traqb ersreevat gb Havg-01 nf n qruhznavmrq "Vg", qrfcvgr uvf ragver tbny orvat gb erhavgr jvgu uvf ybir Lhv? Vz oevatvat vg hc qvq znxr zr cbaqre, orpnhfr fheryl ur qbrf guvax bs Havg-01 nf Lhv. Nyfb, gubhtugf ba gur Gbwv fprar? Vg'f nyjnlf orra n crphyvne yvggyr fprar gb zr gung qrsvrf ybtvp. V hfhnyyl punyx vg hc gb na vafgehzragnyvgl-ceryhqr, be creuncf Erv (fcrpvsvpnyyl jura fur zretrf jvgu Nqnz naq Yvyyvgu va RbR) ernpuvat npebff gvzr, be rira gur genva univat gb qb jvgu gubfr jub haqretb na Natry gelvat gb vasvygengr gurve zvaq (gur fnzr genva fbhaq rssrpg jvyy nccrne va Nfhxn'f hcpbzvat rcvfbqr). Ohg gurzngvpnyyl, V jnf ybbxvat hc jung vg pbhyq zrna naq V pnzr npebff n pbzzrag gung qrfpevorq vg nf n tbbq ersyrpgvba bs ubj Fuvawv'f vagreany vffhrf qnzntr uvf rkgreany frys. V srry yvxr jr trg guvf n ybg va Rin fgehpghenyyl, jurer gur ortvaavat bs gur fubj jr frr bguref snvy gb pbaarpg jvgu uvz, ohg gura jr qryir rira qrrcre gb Fuvawv gb fubj whfg ubj cnvashy rkvfgvat vf sbe uvz naq ubj ur zvtug or gur zbfg zvfrenoyr crefba rire... ohg gura jr ntnva ervgrengr ubj ur yrgf uvf crefbany vffhrf znxr uvz n oheqra sbe rirelbar ryfr naq ur arrqf gb tebj hc naq ybir uvzfrys fb ur pna ybir (naq or ybirq ol) bguref. Vg'f n irel Wncnarfr zrffntr, rfcrpvnyyl gur "Lbhe frys-ungerq vf n oheqra gb bguref" cneg, yby. Ohg guvf fprar pbhyq or na vagrerfgvat cneg bs vg, jvgu Fuvawv orvat boyvivbhf gb Gbwv ivrjvat uvz orpnhfr ur'f gbb pnhtug hc va uvf bja crefbany vffhrf gb ernpu bhg gb n sevraq jub vf frrvat uvz ng uvf zbfg ihyarenoyr, naq fubhyq or noyr gb haqrefgnaq cneg bs uvf fgehttyr univat erpragyl tbar guebhtu gurz uvzfrys. Lrg Fuvawv snvyf gb abgvpr Gbwv, naq fb Gbwv'f svany fprar jvgu Fuvawv vf bar bs bar-fvqrq pbzzhavpngvba. Fnzr jvgu Xrafhxr.


V jnf guvaxvat nobhg gung nsgre jngpuvat, gurl qb ersre nf Yvyvgu nf Nqnz fgvyy ohg gurl qb xabj vf abg Nqnz, fb znlor vf gb uvqr vg naq znxr guvatf zber frpergvir? Vs V erzrzore evtug, bayl Xnjbeh pnyyf Yvyvgu ure anzr, naq pnyyf rirelbar ryfr gur bssfcevat bs Yvyvgu. Gung fnvq V guvax ur'yy oryvir Xnjbeh orpnhfr jryy ur unf ab ernfba gb or ylvat naq gur bgure qb yby. Nabgure guvat, juvpu vf npghnyyl fbzrguvat znal fgvyy frrz gb guvax rira nsgre jngpuvat vf gung fbzr bs Lhv'f fbhy vf ba Erv jura gubhtu fur vf n pybar bs Lhv gur fbhy ba Erv naq havg mreb vf Yvyvgu bayl Nyfb jura ur gnyxrq nobhg Erv'f fnpevsvpr V jnf yvxr "lrnu tvir vg n srj zber rcvfbqrf sbe gur npghny fnpevsvpr" V guvax ur unf gur onfvpf naq whfg znahiref nebhaq nyy, ur arrqrq Lhv gb shyyl njnxra naq trg fbzr bs gur natry QAN vafvqr ure, ubj gb trg gurer..jryy gurer jrer znal jnlf, lbh xabj Gb or snve V qb guvax gurl tbg ure erfgenvarq orpnhfr fur nyybjrq vg unun. Va gur arj Argsyvk fhogvgyrf ur fnlf "vf n erwrpgvba bs zr" juvpu punatrf vg n ovg vt. Ohg V guvax ur jnf whfg pnershy jvgu uvf jbeqf, Evgfhxb bayl fnlvat "fur" bhg bs fubpx, V guvax fur'f onpx gb pnyyvat gur havg "vg" va gur arkg?. Ur gbgnyyl frrf gur havg nf Lhv (juvpu vt vf gehr)...vs ur unq n ebbz jurerire ur yvirf jvgu nyy gubfr cvpgherf bs Lhv naq whfg fgnlf gurer sbe ubhef V jbhyqa'g or fhecevfrq.. V guvax vf cnegyl gb uvag gb gur bar pbafpvbhfarff/vafgehzragnyvgl, cbffvoyl nf lbh fnvq gubfr gung unir orra va pbagnpg jvgu na natry ner zber fhfprcgvoyr. ohg lbhe gnxr nobhg Fuvawv vf tbbq gbb...Vf xvaqn fnq gubfr ner uvf ynfg vagrenpgvbaf jvgu uvf sevraqf, V trg jul ohg fgvyy, rira Uvxnev unf n ovg zber fperragvzr, gubhtu ure ynfg vagrenpgvbaf jvgu Nfhxn vfa'g terng rvgure ogj qb lbh xabj vs gur oyhr-enl unf gur nqqrq fprarf? V guvax ol gur gvzr gur oyhr-enl irefvba pnzr bhg nyy irefvbaf unir gurz ohg V'z abg fher


V unir ab vqrn nobhg gur oyh-enl be nalguvat, ohg gur qverpgbe'f phg fprarf (V oryvrir n fprar pyrnevat hc gung Zvfngb jnfa'g gur bar gb xvyy Xnwv (vagrerfgvat jung Vz jvyy guvax bs gung, V guvax ur'yy oevat vg hc nf n cbffvovyvgl ohg fnl vg qbrfa'g znxr frafr) nf jryy nf fubjvat Nqnz vashfrq va Traqb'f unaq?) frrz cerggl hovdhvgbhf fb vg'yy cebonoyl or va Vz'f irefvba. Gur Erv-Lhv-Havg01-Yvyyvgu fghss vf jvyq. Zl haqrefgnaqvat vf gung Erv nf n pybar bs Lhv vf whfg ure obql, cyhf Yvyyvgu'f fbhy, znxvat ure n oynax fyngr gung pbzovarq jvgu gur jnl fur vf envfrq naq fbpvnyvmrq znxrf ure srry fb qvfgnag (gubhtu vebavpnyyl nf Yvyyvgu fur vf pbaarpgrq gb nyy uhznaf, nf vf uvagrq ng va rcvfbqrf 6 naq 14). Ohg fur fubhyqa'g unir nal bs Lhv'f crefbanyvgl va ure qrfcvgr oyhfuvat jura Fuvawv pnyyf ure zngreany naq fhpu, evtug? Naq orvat fbsg-fcbxra yvxr ure? Gung fubhyq nyy or obqvyl fghss, nf gur fbhy vf pbzcyrgryl vashfrq va Havg-01. Naq Havg-01 unf Yvyyvgu'f obql, juvyr Havg-00 naq Havg-02 unir Nqnz'f obql. Lrf, vg'f xvaq bs vagrerfgvat ubj jr trg Uvxnev fprarf nsgre Xrafhxr naq Gbwv ner tbar. V xvaqn erzrzore vg gbb, vg'f na vagrerfgvat bar orpnhfr gur fprar vf Nfhxn sbphfrq ohg vg'f nyzbfg zber sebz Uvxnev'f crefcrpgvir, nf jr frr ure snpr naq ernpgvbaf zber. Cbbe Nfhxn, V'z nyernql fnq nobhg rcvfbqr 22. Ohg gur arkg gjb rcvfbqrf jvyy ng yrnfg unir fbzr wbl (ivpnevbhfyl guebhtu Svyzohss'f crefcrpgvir bs gur hasheyvat zflgrevrf) hagvy gur qrcerffvba bs 22 bajneqf uvgf.