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This kinda feels like "everything is finee, really" especially after that opening, But as you said a little more "laid back" episode was needed after the last two Though apparently Misato and Ritsuko have made up, you can still feel tension between them and Misato knows that she can't fully trust Ritsuko now, that there is a lot she isn't telling her. Kaji certainly has many versions of him, as a good spy lol, but I do think when is just him and Misato he does show a more real version of him. His conversation with Shinji is one I really like, and I feel really helped Shinji..Misato and Kaji kinda putting the work of adoptive parents for him huh.. but Kaji and his watermelons are really the iconic duo though lol I think Asuka doesn't want more pilots around and then is the guy she dislikes so much (and who she once asked if he was the pilot and was relived to know he wasn't ) Rei, twice now Shinji has made her blush lol, and then she is having some realisations, such a simple thing, being grateful and saying thank you after someone did a nice thing for her was a foreign concept for her, she had never even said that to Gendo. And idk to me their conversations felt kinda hollow? Like she is just passing a report of how things are going Episode 17 - Aki Jungle i feel like I wanted to write something else lol well if I remember I post again :p, hope the issues with Premier Pro are resolved


42:47 Short king Gendo


You’re absolutely right about this being a necessary breather and yet one crammed with some of my favourite character interactions and moments of the series. Especially Kaji and Shinji by the watermelons. There are many people who dislike Shinji as a character because he appears so weak-willed and sensitive, but Kaji beautifully articulates the strength of Shinji. And also the central theme of the show, which is really this duality between the hurt that we feel from being close to others and the longing for the possibility for connection, the classic hedgehog’s dilemma. I know people keep saying it, but from here on out the series really steps it up a notch and goes off the rails and becomes something truly unique. I’ve never been so impatient for more reactions…


ROT-13 Spoiler comment Gur Gbwv fghss unf fb zhpu vagevthr. V tbg puvyyf jura Evgfhxb zragvbarq gung gurl'er noyr gb vzcynag gur pber sbe Havg-03 jurarire. Znxrf zr guvax bs vs gurl unir Gbwv'f zbgure'f obql ba n fyno fbzrjurer, be pelbtravpnyyl sebmra, be vs ure fbhy unf nyernql orra rkgenpgrq naq gur obql qvfcbfrq bs. Tevz fghss. Nyfb, V jnagrq gb pbzzrag ba ubj "Syl zr gb gur zbba" jnf cynlvat va gur onpxtebhaq va gur Xnwv naq Zvfngb fprar (abg sbe zr nf V'z jngpuvat ba Argsyvk, ohg jnf noyr gb urne vg va Vz'f ernpgvba cbegvba jura erjngpuvat), ohg jvyy jnvg hagvy gur rcvfbqr jurer Zvfngb yvfgraf gb uvf ibvprznvy. V unqa'g abgvprq gung guvf rcvfbqr, naq bayl xarj orsber guvf jngpu gung vg cynlf va gubfr gjb Zvfngb naq Xnwv fprarf, fb gur snpg gung vg unccraf guvf bar gbb qrsvavgryl yvaxf vg gb gurz va na vagrerfgvat snprg bs gur frevrf. Whfg yvxr gur zbba/Erv vzntrel va gur RQ, naq gur Zvfngb IN va gur rcvfbqr cerivrjf -- vg'f vagrerfgvat juvpu punenpgref ner tvira n fcbgyvtug guebhtu gurfr gbbyf.


V qb guvax gurl unq gur fbhy fgberq njnl va fbzr cynpr. Zl dhrfgvba abj vf Lhv gur zber "nyvir" orpnhfr fur shfrq jvgu gur Rin jvyyvatyl (gub vf cnffrq nf na nppvqrag ohg fur xarj jung fur jnf qbvat yby) orpnhfr fur unf orra gurer gur ybatrfg? ...Arkg bar vf vagrafr V pna'g jnvg gb frr gur ernpgvba gb Gbwv trggvat pehfurq

A Toilet Duck

Big episode for my guy Kaji-kun. That scene with him and Shinji and the iconic watermelons is a personal favourite, as always with a character who is at the very least undercover to some degree, it's always tough to know just how sincere they're being, but it really did feel like an honest moment that he had with Shinji. Love to see that for the on both of their accounts honestly. Also, got to join in with praising the visuals this episode. From start to finish absolutely excellent across the board. From the framing, to the colour palette, to the detail on characters motions, just stunning really.

Jacob O'Neill

Oh man I've never seen someone do this for spoilers discussions that's so fun haha


Lol thanks Jacob. I started doing it for LM Reactions' Mr Robot reactions and it took off. I think it's a great way to create a sub-community where people can discuss the show in the context of the creator's current reactions without spoiling them (this way there's no "Oh you like that character, just wait..." or "Man next episode is heartbreaking" or even "SPOILER WARNING DO NOT READ"; it eliminates all the risk plus if the reactor is ever looking at their old posts they can view it whenever they want) :)


@Olga Guvf rcvfbqr'f grafvba vf vagrafr nf vf, ohg sebz abj ba rirel rcvfbqr naq vgf fhofrdhrag ernpgvba jvyy or whfg crnx: Gbwv fdhnfurq, gura nyy-bhg natry nggnpx naq Lhv orefrex, gura rkvfgragvny vagebfcrpgvba cneg gjb, gura Arei onpxfgbel, gura Nfhxn onpxfgbel, gura Erv pbapyhfvba, gura Xnjbeh, gura gur gjb-cneg svanyr bs vafgehzragnyvgl zvaqshpxrel. Naq gura gur zbivr! Jung n oyrffrq gvzryvar jr yvir va. V guvax V'z zbfg rkpvgrq sbe gur eha bs rcvfbqrf gjragl, gjragl-bar naq gjragl-gjb (abg hfvat ahzoref op vg fubjf guebhtu gur EBG-13). Gur svefg gjb orpnhfr V xabj Vz jvyy or nznmrq gur jubyr gvzr, naq gur Nfhxn bar orpnhfr vg'f zl snibevgr rcvfbqr bs gur frevrf.


Bu lrnu, nsgre arkg rcvfbqr guvatf ernyyl tb bss gur envyf, ab oerngure rcvfbqrf nalzber, V jnf jngpuvat nybat sbe guvf ohg nsgre guvf bar V whfg ovatrq gur erfg, jvgu bar n jrrx yz jvyy gnxr nobhg gjb zbaguf gb svavfu, vf xvaqn ovggjrfrrg orpnhfr gurer jvyy or crnx ernpgvbaf ohg vf raqvat. Nyfb gb nqq gb gur ulcr yby, Xnwv'f qrngu, erv guerr, evgfhxb'f jubyr guvat, gur ryringbe fprar juvpu v guvax yz jvyy nccerpvngr yby V nterr gubfr guerr ner fbzr bs zl snirf naq V nz irel rkpvgrq, lbh qvfpbire fb zhpu naq Nfhxn'f fgbel vf whfg urneg oernxvat. v unq gb fgbc zlfrys va zl cebcre pbzzrag orpnhfr v jebgr gung erv naq traqb'f pbairefngvba sryg ubyybj, naq V jnagrq gb jevgr n fznyy wbxr nybat gur yvarf bs znlor gurl npghnyyl frrz ratntrq jura gurl ner gnyxvat fuvg nobhg crbcyr ohg, vg jnf gbb uvagvat ng fbzrguvat unun


Unun lrf, V'ir jnagrq gb znxr n srj wbxrf yvxr gung ohg unir qrpvqrq abg gb. Rira gubhtu Vz unf yvgrenyyl cerqvpgrq Erv orvat n pybar bs Lhv naq onfvpnyyl nyernql xabjf nobhg gur fbhyf jvguva gur Rin, V svther whfg orpnhfr ur'f bofreinag qbrfa'g zrna vg'f abg n fcbvyre ng guvf cbvag, naq ur'q jnag vg gb or pbasvezrq ol gur fubj.


lrnu vf nznmvat ubj snfg ur unf tbggra fbzr guvatf, ur vf fb bofreinag. lrnu ur xabjf vf gur fbhy bs lhv abg whfg n cebtenz gung unf gur crefbanyvgl ohg fgvyy gurerf n ybg gb svther bhg naq gubfr wbxrf pbhyq uvag ng gur fcbvyrel cneg. fnzr jura v jnagrq gb pbzzrag fbzrguvat whfg jbaqrevat vs erv sryg nalguvat jura vzcnylvat yvyvgu, naq v rira unq gur jnl gb cuenfr vg fb vzb vg jbhyqa'g srry fcbvyrel be nalguvat ohg ntnva svtherq ur znl abgvpr fbzrguvat fb abcr. Qb lbh guvax nsgre Xnwv'f qrngu jr fubhyq fnl gung gur vqragvgl bs jub xvyyrq uvz vf fgvyy qrongrq be whfg jnvg vg bhg? ...v gvuax vg jnf traqb.. yby


@Child of the forest Just go to rot13.com