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Ayyy just as I get off work


I do agree that the giant space portal and the lion do pull this episode down, I actually remembered it being a bigger part of the episode, and lead to me not rewatching it a whole lot I always felt bad for Me/Ashildr she got immortality but still only a human brain that can not hold all the memories I really liked that concept After hearing your thought about the season and Clara so far I am really interested to see what you will think about the rest of the season


The first half of this episode, or as you mentioned perhaps 2/3, is really great stuff. It falls apart towards the end and I don't think we needed the most generic possible alien-of-the-week. But there's good lines in here, lots of metaphors and such about immortality. Good dialogue exchanges too, albeit occasionally cheesy. The line about people being like smoke, the idea the Doctor didn't save her life but trapped her within in. I love the whole library of memories idea, the ripped out pages, the ones she leaves in as a reminder, and as grammatically silly as it's bound to be, her landing on the name choice of Me feels very rational and memorable. I thoroughly agree with you that more time could have been given, perhaps even a whole other episode, for Me's character arc. This season has a solid lineup, and a lot of two-parters, but Sleep No More is right there to be replaced, haha. It's not like she went from a full villain to a hero at all, as despite having good intentions towards the end there is an ambiguous demeanor to her character. So the character beats aren't a stretch, yet they insisted on having her work with a space lion and doing a blood sacrifice... Bizarre. I think her pleading with the Doctor to take her with him and her swiftly (pun unintended) changing her plan to fit Sam who is about to get executed are signs of an ambiguity that could have been teased out more. The scenario in that final act so goofy with the peasant running everywhere like NPCs, the spaceships... Maisie Williams is a brilliant actress but somehow they manage to make me forget that fact with how quick Me's turnaround is: "What have I done?", "These people are defenseless!", "Oh yes we can!". It just doesn't quite land the way it was meant to, and I think it's fair to hold it to a higher standard considering the two comes in two parts. MORE SELFIES. I guess, that's just what the 2010s are like. The writers have gotten quite a bit of mileage out of Clara's phone in these last four episodes. Your laugh with the "photobomb" is one I shared. Yeah, it reminded me of something out of "Rose" which has elements that did not age well. To be fair, I think almost any way to do that scene so immediately after leaving Me behind that shows she's still out there would come off as too strong of a coincidence that it borders on comedy. It's interesting you mention Clara being upstaged this season (so far). I hadn't thought of it that way, but I suppose with the amount of focus on her S8 had -- which was a requirement as her character was being essentially rebuilt from the ground up -- it makes sense.