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Matthew Houston

Glad to see you already love the voice acting. I think all of the VAs took immense pride in bringing these characters to life, as evidenced by not only the performances, but Gon/Killua's voice actors reactions when the manga returned


Allow me to answer some of your concerns: First: The issue with not showing blood is resolved at some point (though it is quite annoying) due to japanese laws and the airing time slot for HxH, all the extreme violence had to be censored. It can somewhat dampen the impact of some scenes, but still is quite brutal nonetheless. This is not kids show! Second: Yes, the fishing rod that Gon is carrying is quite special. In fact it's Ging's fishing rod, they both used it to catch the Lord of the Lake. Mito gave it to Gon as a gift so he could perform that duty, become a hunter, and follow Ging's footsteps. So it's not just an ordinary object... maybe that's what attracted Hisoka? No comments. Third: When are you planning to watch the first episode of the 1999 version? It's a great pilot and introduction to the hunter world that shouldn NOT be skipped. It adapted chapter 1 of the manga (You can also read it if you like) and provides some content on Gon's motivations and childhood. All just by itself the older version is a fantastic watch-through experience. A very different feel, pace, and mood. Just like the FMA;B case where lots of details where cut in the beggining to fasten up the early parts of the story. All that aside, man I love both Gon and Hisoka plus their dynamic. I've always been attracted to his character since episode 3 but it's quite hard to explain why. I guess it was because of his voice, character design, strength or just his PRESENCE. You talking about potential run-ins in the future reminds me of Ash K and Gary, so many similarities. I don't know what drug those guys were smoking trying to jump Hisoka lol but Gon isn't afraid! He leaped like a frog and didn't hesitate to save his friend. Gon is loyal and earnest to a fault, also he's voiced Megumi Han (her second role ever) and she's AMAZING! Also next episode starts the second phase of the exam! 👀

Dean Cyphers

Man, seeing your reactions to this story unfold might be one of the highlights of your channel because I’m already starting to wish this was daily 🥲 my patience isn’t built for this lol

Theo Traumato

The manga is quite bloody, but early episodes got censored. At some point the show got moved to a later slot and it gets bloodier