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Vinland Saga | 2x14 "Freedom" Reaction & Review



Who needs sleep!? No seriously I really should be sleeping but of course I see the upload before I went to bed… oh well. Vinland really is just hit after hit. And would you believe that there are some absolutely incredible heavy hitters this cour that are honestly up there as some of the best episodes that anime has to offer? I mean yeah you probably would because it’s Vinland bloody Saga. What I’ll always love about Yukimura as a writer is that while he has a lot of ideas and morals that he stands by, he always allows nuisance to the ‘other’ side. It could be soo easy to judge Gardar in this flashback and in hindsight he made the ‘wrong’ choice but at the same time he had the best of intentions. The idea of power balance in an area is delicate and not wanting an already ambitous man to become even more powerful is a valid concern. Also wanting the best for your family isn’t a wrong sentiment either. Gardar let’s Arnheid speak her opinion and doesn’t talk over her (I knows that’s bare minimum but still he’s not painted as an asshole but a kind man). Pride and the pursuit of wealth is definitely at play here, but what would of happened to their village if they just allowed the ‘storm’ and didn’t face it? We’ll never know, but as Sverkel says “even if you wait out the storm, it leaves scars behind.” There’s unfortunately no right answer. No wonder Arnheid is soo upset. It’s just so completely and utterly unfair. Gardar faced the storm and Sverkel hid from his. Different decisions for the same goal (protecting their own) yet both had the same outcome. They both suffered and the people surrounding them suffered too. So what can you learn from that? Well, Arnheid decides that if scars are going to be left either way than she at least wants to have her own agency. I’m glad you really focused on how messed up Arnheid’s life is on this farm with Ketil. After the years spent here she came to ‘acceptance’ which is sadly something far too many woman go through. She’s a man property, his sex slave, comfort therapist etc. Sure her situation can be worse, which is also true for Thorfinn and Einar as slaves, but it’s still f*cking awful. It’s still being treated as property and not a person with their own will and desires. None of them would be here if given a choice. Just as Einar said in 2x8 “even if they like you, you become bound to them. If they hate you this is how they treat you. What kind of lives are we living?” Now Arnheid is pregnant with a man that in no way could she have ever given proper consent too. And all she can do is ‘accept’ that it could have been worse? … I don’t really have any words for this. This isn’t just a historical thing. This is reality. Reality for soo many. Arnheid is soo beautifully portrayed by Mayumi Saco. You will find basically no credits for anime for her as she is mainly a dramatic actress and my goodness it shows. What an absolute magical find in an already STACKED voice cast. Also yes yes yes to all the praises for Einar!! He deserves every ounce of love. People say that they want a friend like Einar in their life and hard SAME. But really I want to strive to BE Einar. His love for Arnheid is soo tender and it really hurts to watch this lil found family hurt for each other. Thorfinn’s face alongside Arnheid’s tears always makes cry.


My response to the “even if you wait out the storm, it leaves scars behind” line is that at least you can live with scars. An upset power balance in the area seems trivial in comparison to what actually happened when the men tried to “brave the storm.” You don’t need hindsight to see that leaving the village completely undefended for an indefinite amount of time so you can search for something that isn’t even an immediate concern was an objectively terrible move, and Arnheid was right to feel resentful of that, in my opinion.


I mean I do agree leaving the village undefended for a hypothetical scenario is not a smart idea. But I do think the lesson that is learnt from both these two flashbacks that are told is there’s almost no best choice. A power inbalance for Gardar and Arnheid’s life could have led to what happened with Sverkel. A man too ambitious and has the resources to demand whatever they want. Scars still hurt either way. You will be scarred or burnt in this world even if you hide or face it. That’s why Sverkel says to Arnheid that he can’t help her. Because there isn’t a right choice to be made. (That and he’s too unwell to go out there and be helpful in that sense) You just do what you feel is right at the time. But that’s just how I took this episode/chapter.


I've had quite the busy week so this comes at the right time actually. Even if the episode is rather sad. The OST is probably the standout here for me, specifically the few opening notes from "Volition" (yay, we have OST names now that the soundtracks out) that play when Hjalti being taken away flashes in Arnheid's mind and the fire in the house sparks while the wind is picking up outside. Those ten seconds are perfection. Also the final few moments with Arnheid walking outside is one of the most memorable panels of the manga for me, so I was super happy with how they adapted that. And yes the show keeps hammering this point home, but that doesn't mean I won't repeat a million times. Einar is the goat 🐐