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Hey everyone, There's an issue with exporting projects on Premiere Pro, trying to find a fix. Ended up taking bit of risk by uploading the vimeo version of FMAB 63 to YouTube because I couldn't render a copy with the opacity mask.

Monster Episode 3 Early Access was already rendered and uploaded prior to this so that will be going up right away. Eps 4 & 5 will exported and uploaded as soon as I can find a solution to this issue, looking into it. Thankfully nothing is scheduled to go up tomorrow.

Thank you.


A Toilet Duck

I'll be honest, when I saw this email on my phone it cut off the first line at "Hey Everyone, There's an issue with...", and I and all of my ancestors were certain that the next word was going to be "Vimeo", so in many ways this is a pleasant surprise!


Hopefully they are due a couple of hours?


Don't stress, we can wait until it's resolved!

Hmm hmu

damn that's terrible luck, I'm *this* close to believing in astrology for your sake


things aint looking good bois




look i don't believe in superstition or all those things but maybe lm should look into cleansing rituals or protection against the evil eye lol but seriously hope things get resolved soon, it must be very frustrating

