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I love Missy in this so much that I feel like this should be the template for the doctor and the master's relationship they are enemies but also the oldest friends in the universe and I think both sides of that coin are important


Series 9, one of the best of the show, imo, right below series 4 and on par with series 3 (in my personal ranking)


The hand mines look cool, albeit being a little silly functionality-wise. And the soldier getting squelched so immediately is a little funnily jarring. I think Young Davros is acted competently, that the makeup and his swallowing/eye-darting idiosyncracies sell the state he's in. I'm personally not very fond of the extended opening. The first scene after the opening theme. I wish it cut right to Clara teaching. Didn't really need to see a giant snake going from planet to planet. Wonder if Moffat watched one too many Marvel movies when writing this. "Davros knows... Davros remembers... But only now, because the concept of this episode didn't exist until now!" I don't really like floating head missy nor the music and tone. But everything with her and Clara is engaging to me and I love their contrasting personalities. The couple with the dog walking by is a bit silly to do just for a gag. Why are they allowed there? There's more selfie humor, three episodes in a row! I've barely seen more of the Jodie error than you have, so who knows if it continues. I hope RTD2 (that's a bit of an ironic fan-name) doesn't include it. There's definitely some upcoming recurring "browser history" jokes in Capaldi's era, from what I remember. I love Clara and Missys' faces and the reverse shot of them above that wall. Though its derpiness (there's some more 2010s vocab) and the way they look right into the camera feels a little immersion-breaking. I love the Skaro element. I had always wanted to see it proper as a kid, though I actually feel like this two-parter would be improved if there were no Daleks at all, just Davros and snake dude (as silly as he is). And I also wish the Davros fake-out wasn't real, because it diminishes the genuine moment they spend together, and the vulnerability of Davros opening his eye. I probably should've said this in the next episode, and I'm sure I will if you have much to say of it, but hey my reviews already mix up all the episodes. "How can you and the Doctor be friends? You spend all your time fighting" interesting proposition you pose, Clara. Yes, I don't know why Moffat thought it was a good cliffhanger to kill Missy and Clara off AND the TARDIS, and expect not only us but The Doctor to believe it. Add The Doctor saying "Exterminate" as a big dramatic moment, and -- granted this is more the fault of the previous use of that word repeated into a state of harmless ridicule -- it doesn't end as strong as it could have. But I will say, while there's a widespread sentiment bordering on platitude of "RTD understands how to write Daleks, Moffat understands how to write Cybermen" the end of this episode captures the Daleks in such a chilling, horrific way. The atmosphere and Davros' words of the Daleks' blood pumping, waiting for Clara to panic and run is what does it for me. That musical sting sent chills down my spine when I first heard it. I became a little obsessed with it and replaced that music over and over. Something about it haunts me to this day, and I imagine it captures a type of terror that the Daleks haven't embodied since their initial appearance in the 60s. "Maximum extermination" is a way for them to destroy the body too. It's Moffat's way of having it look like the characters died, because if it was regular extermination the Daleks would be like "They clearly teleported". I believe Maximum Extermination is used in one of the RTD finales, where the Daleks blow up a box. The Doctor is having fun and being goofy, but in my opinion it's clearly a facade and his "mid-life crisis". Quite literally, considering it's his middle season. A big criticism of Twelve was he was written to be too grumpy, so Moffat overcorrected in the next season. Personally, while he is portrayed a little different, as is to be expected with his epiphany in Death in Heaven, I feel like he's so clearly full of the dark mannerisms Twelve has in the beginning of his run. He's full of angst this episode! But a lot of weariness too, as you mentioned.