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Edward promised the next time Winry cried they'd be tears of joy, he kept his promise

Kyra Sun

oh I always found that mustache on Roy's face to be quite funny tbh, I'm pretty sure its an anime only thing..? something about a joke between the animators I think.. tho I'm unsure since I've read it on twitter.. tho the head-canon I heard and liked in regards to his mustache is that Edward just doodled on Roy's photo instead


It is an anime-only thing, but not a joke between animators! By the time they were animating/storyboarding/etc-ing this episode, the show was caught up with the manga. At this time the anime was working off from the manga's manuscripts for the final chapter, which featured Mustang's 'stache until the mangaka decided against it for the final, official release of the last chapter. Which, obviously, meant it was too late for the anime to change by the time THEY finished. (it's amazing that two different anime adaptations of FMA BOTH caught up with the manga, just at different points)


Ah FMAB is a little bittersweet that is now done. It is one. of my favorite shows of all time just as you said not just in anime but in general. Is one of. the shows I rewatch the most and everything hits just as the first time I watched lol. I always liked Roy got his sight back too because he was forced into making the transmutation. I just love he thinks of Havoc too. Arakawa has said if she ever felt like doing a sequel it would most likely be focused on Roy, and him becoming fuhrer ...she also has said that if it wasn't for the military ranking and laws around it all Roy and RIza would be married...(sorry the shipper in me had to say that, yes my headcanon is Roy makes it and they get married because he is fuhrer he does what he wants...anyway) I love the photos at the end, really makes you feel they keep living their lives and they are happy and that just makes me happy lol Ed totally looking like his father also makes me happy, though I agree I would have loved a scene of them talking to or about Hohenheim


I've seen a lot of reactions to this finale - and some people REALLY didn't like that Mustang used the philosopher stone - but I say go for it. If you use it to do good than that's fine with me. And also...Mustang was forced to perform human transmutation so he should not be punished for that. Ed and Al made a promise not to use one to get their bodies back and I'm happy they kept their promise. But it's completely different and Mustang made no such promise. He's also one of the most important key figures for the future. He needs his sight ❤


I love this finale. It ended in a way that was satisfying and that’s really all you need for a story like this. The “proposal” scene between Ed and Winry is iconic and so true to their characters. This anime will always be one of the all-time greats for me. Thanks Im not only for your amazing analysis but also for actually convincing me to check out the original sub lol, it was a lot of fun.


Really enjoyed rewatching this series with you. Your reactions are always very enjoyable


Such a great series! Agreed with most of what you have to say about the ending as well. I was also confused as to why the earrings weren't brought up in the ending but, as you said, not a big issue. All in all, a great ending to an amazing journey. I do wonder if you plan on checking out the Full Metal Alchemist 2003 version (most likely on your own time since I doubt people will vote for it as you have already watched this version)? I personally haven't watched it myself but I hear there is a pretty big chunk of fans who do prefer it as it has a different approach to the story compared to the manga, or so I've heard.

A Toilet Duck

It's a classic, for sure, always hits those emotional notes at the end. Whilst I may not hold FMA:B in as high a regard as many fans do, and I don't personally consider it in conversations about what my all time favourites are, it is undeniably excellent, I have to admit. Saying farewell to the cast over the course of the final episodes is always tough, as there are so many fantastic characters. Whilst maybe things get a little too cheesy for me in the final few episodes in places, I do consider FMA:B to have a great ending. Properly sticking the landing is a very tough thing to do, and all too often (be it anime, live action TV, gaming series', etc.), even amongst some of the greatest stories it's not that uncommon to hear the caveat of "Other than the ending...". FMA:B is certainly not one of those, very satisfying ending which goes a long way to cementing it's legacy as one of the "Must Watch" shows for pretty much anyone getting in to the medium of anime. Looking forward to your future reactions, specifically Eva and Monster in the immediate term! (I'm I think 46 or 47 episodes into Monster at the time of writing. Hope you're enjoying it at least as much as I am, which is to say, really quite a lot!!)


The only show that made me want more after the ending not in the sense of, content, but wanting to watch more of these characters and going on their adventures etc. This is the only television show that gave me that feeling and that is why it is my number one. Rewatching it with you was such a treat, thanks for that. I have other media that I love indeed a little bit more than this but if we are just talking about television and at this point in my life, it is my fav television experience. Don’t know if ever anything will come close to this but I am sure I will find more 10/10 series in the future and can add them to my other 6 all time favs animes. Everything comes full circle like a equivalent exchange, every character gets a moment, every single one of them even some dead ones. Amazing. The only answer that was left up in the air was the Truth. What is the truth and behind his existence? Doesn’t matter cause every human seeks after it and never will anyone live to get to it. That’s my take on that one. Also he reason we didn’t get a kiss scene between Winry and Ed is, cause Arakawa couldn’t draw a kiss scene haha I love this ending. Second fav ending of all time, can’t wait to rewatch it in the future another time. A heart Fullmetal. Onto the next 10/10 series, Monster!