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June 13th Update - I received and update email from my Vimeo rep this morning, this was a part of it

“Also, I spoke with our Solutions Team and it appears that we are no longer offering the Legacy plans as of a few weeks ago - I was not made aware of this update so I apologize for any inconvenience.”

🤦🏻‍♂️ I’m just baffled at this point, I have so many thoughts about how they run things there, but I have to be careful, as I signed something similar to a NDA. I actually had to revise and edit the original Update, as I ended up sharing too much info in my excitement, stuff I wasn’t supposed to disclose.

So she asked me to give her a few days to get back to me with another alternative customized solution, but I am most likely going to just end up buying one of the expensive plans again if there’s nothing concrete by the weekend, I simply cannot let this drag on much longer. Regardless of the price, I will still have the Patreon interaragtion bandwidth exemption.

June 8th Update - I was able to get a specific date out of them, I have been assured that my account should be up and running at some point on Tuesday, June 13th. The backlog will be available immediately, but I will need a couple of hours to upload and set up the the 14 vids (early access + full length)

Hello everyone, I am finally able to provide an update on this situation, as there is now clarity on the situation and a long term solution, rather than a short term fix.

Ultimately, something very good came out of this situation.

After some frustrating weeks of back and forth, which included a lot of requests for updates from my end, the process eventually got to point where they realized that I actually qualify for their Patreon/Vimeo integration bandwidth exemption, as I exclusively use vimeo through Patreon. So this will not be an issue anymore in the future.

I've been told that they will be switching me to something they refer to as a Legacy plan, with the Patreon bandwidth exemption, I was given the first week of June as the time frame for this to be implemented. Which means that I will once again pause the charge cycle, so all current Patrons can stay on and have access to the seven videos in Early June, and then come back in full flow on July 1st. To remain an active Patron, please make sure to not delete your current pledge, otherwise you will not have access in June. Again, there will be no charge on June 1st.

Beyond that, I have been thinking about the the future of the channel over these past few weeks, and all the plans I have. I'm not in my mid 20s anymore 😁 so I want to start taking more of a "now" approach, rather than a "I'll have time to get to it eventually" approach, especially for some of the longer series that have been requested a lot.

So with all this unexpected extra recording time, I will be adding Hunter x Hunter to the line up in July, utilizing the tips I was given by content creator friends to make sure it doesn't give me any issues. HXH will have two slots a week, of course.

once again, thank you for being so patient, I appreciate it.

Relieved to have finally clarity on this Vimeo situation, and quite excited to be back at it on July 1st, with an exciting new addition to the line up as well.

This is most likely what the new schedule will look like in July, on Patreon.

Monday - EVA

Tuesday - Monster

Wednesday - HXH

Thursday - Doctor Who

Friday - Monster

Saturday - HXH

Vinland Saga



Glad the problem is resolved and that you got money back lol. Will Vinland Saga have a dedicated slot or is it more of a whenever you get to it type of situation? Either way I'm sure when it happens you're gonna love it. This current arc in the anime has been nothing but PEAK


So thrilled for you! I'm thankful to have now caught up on EVA and am eager to start Monster and HxH with you (two series that I haven't watched the anime for!)

Kara the gamer girl from Mars

That’s great to hear. Not gonna lie I’ve heard some Venmo horror stories when it comes to content creators and feared this would be another one of them but thankfully it was the opposite, I am sure it wasn’t (or it won’t be) a cake walk tho, especially with the stress and uncertainty of the situation.

Mark Andujar

The variety of anime you’ll be watching is *chefs kiss*


Shame it took so long, but it's nice to hear that it's resolved now. And it's also exciting to see HxH join the schedule. That line up is stacked!

Jack Mingle

Hyped for the coming content, glad you got this situation sorted out and hopefully it lasts so you no longer have to deal with problems.

Payam Sharifi

So happy to hear it's working out, really looking forward to your reactions returning, especially with HxH in the mix now!

A Toilet Duck

We're so back lads 🥳


This is awesome to hear. I’m glad everything was finally worked out and cannot wait to experience all of these great stories again!


This is it, bois. Im's back.


Awesome, really looking forward to it! :)

john ross

Man am I stocked, good to have you back brother.


"so all current Patrons can stay on and have access to the seven videos in Early June" can we get an estimate on when that could be? I was actually anticipating a new NGE episode this Monday :(


the 13th will be exciting and fun


Fuck yeah HxH! Can't wait to hear what you gonna have to say about that one! Sheeit!


Most content creators I knew dropped Vimeo for another service like streamable. I hope you'll keep your freedom in your work. I wish you good luck.

john ross

this sucks to hear, at this point imho you should just leave Vimeo, surely there are better alternatives, anyways I hope this gets resolved for you quickly, take care.


At this point I'm really not sure why you keep hanging onto Vimeo. Surely there are better, more attractivve, maybe even cheaper alternatives. This is becoming ridiculous. I would've checked out a long time ago, my friend.

John Yoo

Yeah, it's insane... They had the audacity to tell him "we'll get with you in a few days". FEW DAYS? I would've immediately hung up and went with a different platform. Im is just taking this abuse from them like it's nothing. There's definitely cheaper alternatives that were listed out roughly two months ago. Hopefully something gets resolved by next week or i'm calling it quits.


No matter how much chicanery they put you through we shall be here waiting for you. Keep on keeping on!


still no access to any content? man Vimeo really messed your situation up for a long time

John Yoo

Im, have you decided on just purchasing the original expensive plan for now or maybe even an alterative platform? Or are you still clinging onto the hope that Vimeo might actually find a solution?

john ross

Hope everything is going well g and that this situation fixes up soon

faaris shareef

Hey Im, hope everything is okay with you. Just wondering if you're gonna pause the patreon cycle again for july because we're nearing the end of the month.


Hopefully we have an update for July 1st? You've been radio silent on patreon this whole month. I'm guessing there isn't any good news...but I don't want to be right.

John Yoo

Yo Im, can you just tell us if you're going to push your schedule back? I just want a confirmation so i can leave. I know you won't bill us for the next cycle if you end up yet again changing your schedule again, but the constant updates of stuff never getting done is irritating. If i leave, I won't be checking every day here for good news to arrive. I think it'll be better for me to come back a few months later to have episodes stacked. I am new, so if this was already explained then i do apologize, but i just don't see why you can't upload through patreon. Is there a reason why it has to be through vimeo only? Are you still trying to negotiate with Vimeo or are you still waiting for their solution? Just letting you know, if they haven't done anything concrete for the past 2 months, if safe to say that they won't get anything done for you. Please move on, and find something else(If you haven't already found something else)