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I've watched this show well over 5 times by now, maybe more if you count re-watching alongside reactors, and I've yet to watch the last 5-ish minutes of this episode without getting shivers and getting misty-eyed. Yeah, it's cheesy to have everyone cheering Ed on as he fights Father, but the score, the sequence with Alphonse making that sarcifice, and Greed's acceptance of his true desires are absolutely phenomenal. The series has been slow-burning for 62 episodes to reach its climax and it's incredible.


Father bringing back the people of Xerxes is just so messed up and my man Hoheinheim was so shaken by that (understandably so). The Dwarf really went "oh you tell me things I don't like, how about I use your trauma against you". And then Hoheinheim protecting Ed and Izumi .. The dwarf had a fiend in Hoheinheim for a while but well his obession on being a perfect being and that humans are important etc made him ignore that Al's sacrifice I always cry haha seeing the suit of armour that we have grown to love and care about so much just disintegrating is sad but also like Al had reunited with his body, what he wanted And yes Riza being the eye for Roy is amazing and if we needed more examples of how amazing their connection is, well here is more lol


The cheering scene is cheesy in the best way, because we’re all cheering him on too 🥹 I love seeing so much of the ensemble cast (and the Briggs soldiers, which I like to think of as an extension of Olivier) being like “YEAH, FUCK HIM UP” because each and every one of them have fought like hell to get to this point and it’s so incredibly satisfying and earned


Al’s sacrifice is absolutely one of the best moments in the anime. It’s emotional, it’s beautiful, and it’s exactly what needed to be done in that moment not only to get Ed his arm back but also to serve as the primary motivator for Ed to really lose his shit and start laying into Father. As expected, it’s all coming together. And ofc, the animation absolutely kills it. Probably the best we’ve seen in the story up to this point. The voice acting as well, just A++. I may know the English dub the best, but you can’t watch this episode in Japanese and not be blown away. One of the best episodes all around for sure.


So, in the manga, Al says “you’d better beat him” and in the sub he says “beat him.” But in the English dub he says “keep moving.” It’s really interesting that they changed this line. Interesting to me, at least. I kinda like “keep moving” because it has more meaning to the brothers personally. But it also sounds more final, somehow? Or maybe more…like a goodbye? It’s interesting how different the two lines feel to me. Amazing reaction as always! Wish I could have the next episode right now lol!


It reminds me of everyone cheering Goku on at the end of the buu saga in DBZ. Gives me chills every time.


FMA has one of the best Dubs out there, it has a number of stand out lines that I actually think work better than the sub. One of which if Bradley's final words, in the sub he says "thanks to you humans my life was worth while " or something like that but in the Dub he says " thanks to the nature of humanity, it was a life worth living for... maybe even, a life worth dying for" always loved that line


Also just wanted to share I just got the 20th anniversary book of FMA and is great haha


Every time I see Al's armor fade away....something breaks inside my heart. The armor is more or less the mascot of the show and to see it vanish, only then one realizes that the show is at the finishing line


God I will never ever forgot the emotions that I went through back in 2010 when I first saw Al’s sacrifice. I still cry now and I don’t even know how many times I’ve rewatched this series or this scene. It’s honestly beautiful the love that these brothers have for each other. There are a lot of dysfunctional siblings in fiction and it’s just wonderful to have a story centred around ‘brotherhood’. These two brothers would literally go to hell and back for each other and have all of the faith that they will return from that hell for each other. This series is just soo damn good!! Each time I ever think “oh well maybe it’s just nostalgia” and “well maybe I should knock it down my favourites list” I rewatch it and it never fails to make me realise that it’s forever cemented as one of my favourites stories of all time. It’s soo special to me for soo many reason. But one reason that you’ll soon learn is that it has one of the best endings ever. Not just manga, not just anime or tv but just stories in general. Arakawa, we truly do not deserve you! Also that line from Greed at the end? Kills me every single time 😭😭😭

A Toilet Duck

That moment where Al returns himself to his body always sticks in my mind as one of the all time greats of anime. Everything about it, the actors, the visuals, and in my opinion most of all that score, could hardly have ever been done better. Whilst things may get a little cheesy after that, and as a general rule I'm not a huge fan of "friendship punch" as a way to win, I do give a bit of a pass here, because the characters are built so damn well that this is one of the few time where it does genuinely feel rewarding to watch.


I’ve been behind, but at least I managed to catch up before the conclusion. Hopefully next month won’t be as busy as this one so I won’t fall off the Monster train before it even gets properly going. I think the previous episode’s title, The One Who Would Swallow God, was actually referring to Yoshimichi Kameda: https://i.imgur.com/l27LXuv.mp4


Finally watched this last night - life is getting way too busy. There is an element of cheese in this episode with everyone watching the battle go on at the end, but it's so forgiveable in this show with how well all the threads have been tied together. Looking forward to the end (and oh life, I need to finally start NGE so I can catch up on all of your reactions before Monster starts)