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I remember when I first watched this episode my stomach just dropped when Hawkeye’s throat got slashed. It was done so quickly and so matter-of-factly, I honestly thought she straight up died immediately for a moment


This episode makes me teary eyed from start to finish ngl. Fu an Buccaneer, a good good bye for both of them, they both died feeling acomplished and that their deaths weren't in vain. Lan Fan getting hurt holding Greedling ...just that whole scene is so powerful to me. Greedling fully working together now and both having an understanding of each other..though I agree the anger was what was fueling them mostly. You know, I don't think there is a moment before this that we seen Roy look like he does when Riza's throat is cut and after that, there is so many emotions anger, fear, desperation, disbelief..he is watching the most important person in his life slowly die before his eyes and Riza saying she won't die because she has orders and then just being like don't do something like human transmutation just for me


The timing of the possible death feels so good. We just got Fu’s and Buccaneer´s death and now we see Hawkeye suffer meaning that Arakawa can kill our chars. Love this episode Didn’t make the connection between Gluttony portal of truth teleportation with this one. It’s insane how many things you still pick up, which are new to me, despite that I watched these last few episodes over 100 times already haha And it seems like we will not be getting any FMAB OVA reactions, it is what it is.


Iwao Teraoka board. His total tally for the series is 28, 37, 43, 48, 56, 58, 60, 61 - so two more to go. I have horrible memory, but I recall these final four/three being his best work for this and them being in such close succession make it even more impressive. Miyano’s performance for Ling keeps being terrific.