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I can tell Asuka is the kind of character that a lot of people just automatically want to dislike when watching a show, so I’m glad you’re as objective as you are lol. She’s a young teen just like Shinji, so ofc insecurity is going to be there, but it’s manifested differently for her because obviously their experiences are different. Excited to see and learn more about her for sure


THE episode I was waiting for. Watching full length right now, let's go


Loved your discussion on Adam and the human instrumentality project etc. The mystery continues to grow! Kaji and Asuka are really interesting characters and will continue to play a major role in the story (Asuka especially). I'm really looking forward to seeing you get to the second half of the show, which I'd say starts at episode 14. IMO the second half is even better than the first and has basically all of the best episodes for me. Also just wondering, was there a specific episode in which you were planning to watch the opening? There are still some things in it that have not yet been shown to you, but they are only in quick flashes and don't make much sense without context. I assume as long as you don't frame through it you'd mostly be fine. If you were going to wait until everything in the opening is first shown in the episodes then that wouldn't be until after episode 24 which is basically at the end of the show. If any of the other viewers have a different idea please reply with when you think would be a good time to watch the opening! Excited for next week!


Also this might be, me misremembering, because even if I have seen the show a lot it has also been a while since I properly watched it, there are a few bits of lore and backstory that aren't really explained in the show properly and was explained further in other pieces of media but I guess when we get there it can be told or not as you like lol, so yeah we'll see when we get there it's still a long way to go


As always, very good analysis, I had never thought that Asuka brought Shinji with her in the unit because she was insecure but it makes sense. I liked your comment that Rei and Misato shaped Shinji a bit, now let's see how the interaction with Asuka will turn out. By the way, I think that in the next episode it is already safe to see the opening unless someone thinks otherwise.


Brilliant analysis. Welcome to my favorite Evangelion character. Which one though...? Nah, I'll just confirm it's Asuka. I do think Kaji is great though. This episode has one of my favorite characteristically-Eva quick cuts, right after Asuka's reaction to hearing of Shinji's synch rate. It's so satisfying. "Uso!" Also your comment on how the Eva entry plugs being a place you just want to be reminded me that there are these youtube videos where instead of "satisfying rainforest sounds for 2 hours straight" or whatever it's background ambience of being an Eva pilot, and they have those background sfx of scenes from inside the entry plug haha. I really like the sounds too and it's always cool when a show gets you used to the same sounds from repetition (like the odm/3dm gear in shingeki), making it almost comforting to hear And final thing, while the sequence with Unit-02 almost having this superhero cloak on and it discarding it as it flies around is a close contender, my favorite shot from the episode just has to be its glowing eyes as it holds the angel's mouth open


Storyboard – Shinji Higuchi Direction – Kazuya Tsurumaki Anim. Supervision – Takeshi Honda https://i.imgur.com/CsuwK65.png The man who Shinji is named after makes his appearance. Higuchi is Anno’s close friend and a crucial staff member to this franchise, from his limited work on the TV series, to the greater involvement in EoE and the reboot films. Anno has called Shinji a depiction of himself and one that reflects his years of depression - I don’t think you’d name a character like that after just some regular drinking buddy. They also directed Shin Godzilla together which many usually just hail Anno for. I know that Higuchi is known for his comedic characters and overall humor-filled style; which is clearly noticeable in this episode as well. He’s gonna be boarding the next episode too and he’ll co-script two with Anno later down the line. Tsurumaki also directs his third episode after the series’ first two. Higuchi teaming-up with the creator of FLCL only this one time is a crime and I am prepared to throw hands with the reasons and circumstances that are responsible for this any day of the week. And as if things weren’t already great enough, this directorial duo lands on an episode with Honda, a master of his field who seemingly excels at literally anything thrown at him, be it the exaggerated expressions that remind me that I’m actually watching a cartoon, or the cool as hell action and intricate mechanical drawings of the bygone time. All of the drawings are so characterful throughout the episode. The animator line-up is also the most stacked it’s been so far with names like You Yoshinari, Norio Matsumoto, Shouichi Masuo, Mamoru Kurosawa, Yasushi Muraki, Hidenori Matsubara, Hisaki Furukawa, and Tsurumaki himself. The entirety of the scene on the deck of the cast meeting Asuka for the first time is Matsumoto, and the Eva Unit jumping from one ship to another is presumed to be Muraki’s work. The episode isn’t insanely flashy with its animation, but instead full of rich, layered, arduous, and nicely staged layouts/shot compositions. I loved how they kept cramming all of the characters into frame in each of the shots of the wheelhouse: https://i.imgur.com/YGA7B0A.png An iconic episode and one of my favorites of the series. Known to be Honda’s work: https://i.imgur.com/PAi1sbI.png Assuming Honda (handwriting seems the same): https://i.imgur.com/NB092ZL.png


FILMBuFF, do you have a plan laid out for when you are going to watch the 1997 movie, "The End of Evangelion"? As in, is there going to be a poll regarding which episode you should watch it after? There is a disagreement amongst NGE fans regarding if the movie should be watched in chronological order or in release order. Some fans say everything should be watched in release order, and then to go back and watch a certain episode again before the movie. If you ask this question to the community it may invite spoilers, you may want to tell people what you're comfortable with us saying regarding when or when not the movie should be watched.


Enjoyed this episode, don’t like Kaji and I have currently a love/hate relationship with Asuka, don’t like chars like her. Can’t talk much about all the other new information that we got other than the religious connections that you talked about in the discussion. I also did know Asuka beforehand cause of many memes around the internet. Now I only miss one character, that I know about, that did not appear yet in the story.


Feel like we should maybe refrain from being like "the upcoming episodes will be like this" even if you're not giving specific spoilers. Giving a general idea of the *upcoming* structure/tone feels like a big no-no, at least to me.


I feel like this question itself is inviting spoilers but maybe it was inevitable and it had to come out at some point. That being said, I think it's completely unnecessary to even entertain ideas of watching things in a different order for a "better experience". The series should be experienced as the series, and the movie should be experienced as a movie. I feel like this is one of my least favorite modern takes on media, that we need to invent all these specific orders of viewing things rather than just doing it in the order it was made. Im will probably agree with me that part of experiencing this great anime is being clued into its cultural relevancy and its iconic nature, which in my opinion necessitates watching it as it came out. One final thing I'll say is I think the disagreement isn't as split as your comment maybe frames it as. I don't have numbers for this, but I think an extremely niche portion of the fans are recommending watching it in a bizarre order. For the most part people accept that the series and movie are great as they are and we don't need to artificially change the viewing experience.


Cool, no worries. Thanks for being receptive and quick thinking


The movie came over 1 year after the last episodes, hence it comes afterwards. I don't know why there would be any confusion.


Lots and lots to talk about in this episode. First off, I haven't listened to your analysis yet, since I have to go to work in a few minutes. But I read in the comments that you already mentioned why Asuka wanted Shinji with her in the Eva. I wanted to point this out as well, she obviously doesn't want to show it, but Shinji, unlike her, already fought three Angels. There definitely is a part of her that is insecure and afraid, and having Shinji with her made her probably feel more 'safe' in her first 1-on-1 Angel battle. Next, I love Misato in this one as well. She's proven multiple times now that she is a master battle tactician, that can come up with unique but effective ways of combative and defensive strategies on the fly. One huge aspect why this is also one of my favorite episodes is the sheer amount of comedy. I love the comedic faces the characters do throughout this episode, that I think must've been implemented by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, the character designer of the show, and also the artist behind the manga adaptation of the series, since many of these facial expressions are 1:1 in the manga panels. The manga adaptation is absolutely beautiful, but is also a bit different from the anime, it's an alternative retelling. It has a lot of this episode's comedy peppered throughout the story, unlike the show. To any Eva fan who hasn't yet read it, I highly recommend it.

A Toilet Duck

Two maybe somewhat divisive new characters introduced here, not everyone's cup of tea, but I'm a big big fan of both personally. Asuka just brings such a great dynamic to the team, and also got a lot of love for my boi Kaji-kun and his shit-eating grin. Real gamer, real gamer.


You can't really separate series and movie when the original storyboards shown to Japanese national television for the episodes in question were what happens in the movie. Gainax was given 7 days to remake those episodes from scratch, this isn't a theory it is very well documented that the director's original vision got pushed to the movie. Its perfectly understandable to still watch the series in release order but acting like I'm proposing something insane or saying that the movie is completely separate shows a lack of consideration for the changes made to hideaki anno's story.


Because Anno created the movie knowing the series was over. He took that into account. He was writing for an audience that had seen the ending of the series. Also, that's a myth. Those storyboards were added in the official release if you're talking about the preview. The original previews show stuff for the episodes as they ended up. Either way, I don't like this idea of almost rewriting history in Im's experience of the show. Again, he clearly appreciates that watching this is clueing him into an important part of anime culture. Watching everything in the order it came out is the logical next step from that, and the standard of proof to choose a more unorthodox viewing order is way higher than what you've achieved.


Agreed. Also, I just saw a video yesterday where a snippet of an interview with Anno was added, in which he detailed that episodes 25 and 26 were exactly as they were planned, i.e. not because of compromises, even including time constraints and personal stress. It is the intended ending of the series. The movie was more of a reaction, partially even due to studio demands. I love both, and I absolutely think both are mandatory, but definitely with the movie being watched after the original ending.


I love both too, but while I can see why many can't stand Asuka, I will never get why some people dislike Kaji. He's basically the Han Solo of the story, but with way more agency. He's one of my faves.


Just a heads-up, this entry doesn't have the NGE tag on here.


@Soul Nibbler This is surprising to me. Not the information exactly, but it being so explicitly confirmed. I shouldn't be surprised though, as there are a lot of myths around Eva that can be pretty easily dispelled with basic research. For example, people saying that the budget ran out when it all had to do with scheduling and time constraints as you said. I also think [rot-13 vague spoilers for series, go to rot13.com to read] rcvfbqr fvkgrra bajneqf orvat qvssrerag orpnhfr bs erny yvsr gentrqvrf, ohg vg znxrf frafr gb zr gung gur raqvat jbhyq or cynaarq jvguva guvf frpbaq cneg bs gur frevrf engure guna orvat punatrq ynfg zvahgr nf crbcyr fnl.


@Soul Nibble the Japanese news paper published after the release of the final episodes says the opposite of Anno's interview, Anno also said in a more recent interview every religious reference was unintentional, so I trust what Anno said back then vs. what he says now. Although I respect following the release order.


@ Wesley Owens Just curious, did you notice what songs Shinji listens to on repeat on his Walkman? ;-)