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This just keeps getting more intense and barely time to breathe lol Bradly, you can only imagine how he was at his prime like, atm he is something else and is still fighting even with the stab, to me he is one of the strongest homonculi and he is just half one. There is more I want to write but I think I'll wait for later


am I the only one that dropped a tear when Fu died?


Strong drawings on the first half. Perhaps Kouichi Horikawa's supervision work? I wish I knew who's behind the unique shading on Fuu: https://i.imgur.com/swzXE17.jpg The classic "anime moment" usually comes from it being a manga adaptation. So, I guess it's actually a "manga moment." Them standing still and waiting around happens in the span of a single panel: https://i.imgur.com/Q5VkOOb.jpg Could've kept the fight going on until the doctor says "come here," and that alone would've made the scene flow a lot better in animation.


You really thought these cliffhangers will vanish, how naive XD Otherwise I like this episode, the best scene was the Bradley vs Fu/Buccaneer one. I really loved that cause it shows that even if you think you see everything there will be always something outside of your angle that you cannot see coming. And even with a supernatural ability that Bradley has.