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That scene of Rei and the moon is one of my favorites, is just so pretty. I've seen this..a fair amount of times lol, and I just found new things and largely has been hearing your perspective on things. I also love Misato had her moment to shine, like yeah we had seen glimpses of her being capable before and I mean, she didn't get her position just by pure luck, but on this one we can see her just how great she is. and more signs on how much she has grown fond of shinji too. We also do see how much power Nerv has, like you can assume it before but here, they arrive and say we need that and take it and oh we also need all of Japan's energy and they get it...


great episode! Rei's smile is very wholesome :), the ep is quite similar in tone to Shin Godzilla with how there's more government legislation/military tactics used to fight the enemy, rather than the typical giant brawl. It was also directed by Anno btw, not sure if you've seen it or not before so don't want to spoil much. It's probably the closest thing we have to a live action Evangelion. The part which you talked about how you see quite a few people hating on Eva and calling it overrated was spot on. I think a lot of it definitely comes with the territory of it being one of the most popular and praised anime, hardcore fans of other anime will trash on it because like you mentioned they do see it as like a competition of which is the best. But also I've seen that Eva is quite a misunderstood anime by a lot of people, it can be quite confusing and a lot to take in on a first watch which can frustrate a lot of people that are used to a more traditional story telling approach. Similar to how you compared it with classic films, it can be quite a foreign concept for a lot of the younger generation and there isn't really anything like it coming out nowadays, times have changed. Another thing may be that the viewer didn't resonate with the feelings/themes of Eva at the time they watched it, or at least they don't care to admit it (even to themselves). All this will make more sense the further you go into the story so I won't go any further into it. Also I believe you can't get a true appreciation of Eva with only your first watch, unless maybe your a super genius who picks up on every possible detail, realistically though I don't think that will ever happen (you are pretty close tho lol). But even if that were the case, watching it again with your newfound knowledge is a great experience, I actually liked it even more the second time around. It has really good re-watch potential and I still learn knew things about it to this day. But yea, sorry for the rant, great reaction/review excited for next week!


I'm sorry to hear about the hate from Shingeki fans / people who think Eva is overrated. As a fan of both, I can't see that. They both have very different goals and explore different things, despite the overlap. I haven't seen much of that so those comments must be from the YT audience


Im a huge fan of both Eva & Shingeki. But i never actually seen any conflict between the 2 fandoms. Always found both series to be very different despite both being in the mecha genre. However, I have come across some people calling NGE overrated, and it usually amounts to them just complaining about the pacing or calling Shinji whiney. Which dosent make sense, due to the crazy shit shinji is going through

Shiera Seastar

Loved the Rei character analysis. And yeah, I've heard everything from Eva to Cowboy Bebop, Blade Runner to Akira, Dune to Berserk (any old classic really) getting the "overrated" moniker thrown at it. In the end they are classics for a reason and if you like it, you like it and that's all that matters.


Happy to hear you’re enjoying the show this much. You'll get to Ergo Proxy, Texhnolyze and Lain, and the ‘pretentious’ adjective joins ‘overrated’ into the mix of extremely thought-out criticism from those who'd rather have you watch their favorite instead. There's no escaping these guys. I’ve never been able to relate to this way of thinking personally. Jealousy is what I feel first when I see someone enjoying something I couldn’t get into myself. Shingeki better than Eva, Breaking Bad better than Saul, Xavi better than Pirlo, and van Djik better than Hyypiä. Both good? No way.


Imo this episode gives us the most emotional scenes of Shinji so far cause I feel like the cry at the end caught me really of guard cause I didn’t expect it from him. Enjoyed this episode and I have a feeling that every angel will be completely different from the other and maybe they alle stand for something like the sins in FMAB. But I have currently no idea what that could be. Misato is still best girl of the show, don’t think anyone will top her anymore for me haha The artistic choices in this episode reminded me a lot of the Studio Shaft animes like Madoka Magica, Sangatsu or the Monogatari series. Love that cause visual storytelling is rather rare in anime, at least on this scale. I mostly see this in manga with this amount. But in this we see here in almost every scene something rather important. And every time you praise the music I laugh, cause I’m waiting for the first anime moment where you will be not satisfied with the music. Anime OSTs go so hard The general discussion of what is better will never end. Like you can't grasp the war between the big three fans that are claiming one another that one thing is the best thing ever and the other complete shit. I don’t like everything but I always try to understand myself what I don’t like about something and it helps me to enjoy media a lot more than before. One last thing I don’t know if I’m hallucinating or the reason lies in my own devices but this reaction/discussion seems a bit quieter than usual. Like I compared that to the FMAB videos and they were a bit louder.

A Toilet Duck

Great to see Misato really get to show just how capable she is for the first time this episode. A bit of a contrast to how we usually see her in a professional sense up to this point, where she's back in the control room with Shinji out in the Eva, a situation that seems to be quite uncomfortable for her (understandably so!). Planning and wheeling and dealing, she seemed much more in her element, cracking wise a bit, smiling, a real sense of swagger about her. Love to see it for my girl.

Abdulla Almheiri

Im not too sure how familiar you are about it but whenver theyre are like huge groups of people shitting on an anime its just because for some reason anime fans love grouping themselves around the anime they love and need that anime to be the best. Shingeki fans trash other anime. FMA fans trash any anime that outranks it on MAL. Demon Slayer fans and AOT fans trash each other because they used to air together stuff like that. I wouldnt take it to heart there are really a bunch of shitters out there.


Something I've wanted to comment on since it's so common in the anime you watch is the specific historical situating of these anime within a post-world war Japan. It's very, very pertinent in Eva, and Shingeki and FMA both pick up on these ideas of militarism, fascism, cycles of violence etc. (I always thought the fact that both are set in a kind of German-inspired fascist/industrial Europe is so fascinating). Eva is a show that really comes out of a generation growing up in the aftermath of Japanese defeat, demilitarization, and reckoning with the atomic bomb, and that's something that really influenced the kaiju and mecha genres that Eva combines together. The post-apocalyptic setting, the massive explosions, even the kind of psyche that is depicted in Shinji, these are all of course appreciable even for a generalized audience but very specifically coming from a national consciousness of how to reckon and deal with the psychological and political consequences of war. Thinking about this show's commentary on military, industry, and even grappling with loss and longing has really made me love it more and more over time


Lots of great OST in this episode. In particular I love "A Crystalline Night Sky" playing in the scene where the lights go out, I agree that that scene has a special kind of beauty to it. Then there's "Decisive Battle", which plays before Shinji fire shot first shot, which has gotta be one of my favorite soundtracks for any action scene in any shot. You can really feel the tension build in that scene. And at the end we have "Rei II", which just might be my favorite OST from all of Evangelion. There's such a good mix of sadness and beauty in it, which I feel is true for Rei as a character too. Honesty I think Eva's soundtrack is an all time great.


I've never heard of Shingeki fans hating on Eva, they must not understand much about anime, eva's story or even their own series. The Shingeki mangaka literally said one of their inspirations was Evangelion, if Eva didn't exist Shingeki wouldn't either lol. Eva and shingeki aren't even about the same themes, the problems the characters suffer from are completely different. As you mentioned Shinji suffers from loneliness, when did Eren ever suffer loneliness? Eren had friends since the beginning, meanwhile Shinji loops the tramwith his head down for fun. The mark of a good mecha show is being able to take away the mecha and have it still be a good series and story, and thats what both shingeki and eva have in common, but they're so different they aren't even worth comparing to each other. Mangaka's have respect for each others' stories, so we should too.


Can you tell me where Isayama said that Evangelion was one of his inspiration please ? I am interested if you have a link