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Sabás González

Mama Medarda finally enters the scene


Yeah when Ambessa (Mel’s mother) finally arrives it’s immediately pretty obvious why she would banish someone like Mel. Comparing their character designs is honestly enough lol. Mel’s the fox but not the wolf. She uses manipulation to achieve her goals, but unlike Ambessa she doesn’t approve of violence. She’s idealistic, which is why she wanted someone like Jayce in her corner, because he also is idealistic and ambitious. Well, at least before Ambessa came and got him all paranoid in order to serve her own ends. Vi definitely had some good points at the Council, but Silco’s goal from the beginning has been to gain independence from Topside. It was the dream he and Vander once shared. Remember how pissed he was at Jinx for killing those enforcers back in episode 4? He may hate them, but he’s not an idiot. “The base violence necessary for change” and all that. He wants CHANGE, not to kill everyone. That would be pretty counterproductive. Unfortunately Vi and Jayce are just so angry with him at this point that they’re resorting to violence without a clear goal in mind. No one on either side has actually tried diplomacy, and when the Council was finally willing (particularly Mel), Vi and Jayce go run off to make the problem worse. I also got the impression that this episode felt the most like a video game adaptation than the rest of the show has. It’s a good episode still, but it definitely has those moments that feel like fanservice (particularly the Jayce/Vi team up, tho I do like the song). Can’t really blame them, it’s freaking League of Legends so it’s honestly surprising it took them this long lol. Nevertheless, I think you’ll enjoy the final episode. Excited for that 👍 P.S. Singed’s (the doctor’s) daughter is not yet known, but I will admit he does give me Shou Tucker from FMAB vibes… especially with the “love and legacy are the sacrifices we make for progress” line.


Im really likes moms huh😂


Oh I knew you would pick something related to that Viktor scene for this thumbnail hahah (my own personal guessing game 😆) Man, I was taken aback by Skye's death as well. I remember being shocked and so sad when I first watched this scene. And Jayce killing that boy with his own creation. Brutal. He and Vi ended up screwing things up from my point of view. I believe that Mel's diplomatic approach would have potential and that Silco would actually accept to negotiate obviously in a situation where he would get power as you said, but it would be a possible approach. The dynamic between Cait and Vi is certainly one of my fave things about Arcane. There is so much potential, and not just romantic. Their connection strongly influences the directions of the story. Also, these two need to kiss for god's sake hahah please 🧁🧁🧁 Caitlyn being "people like us" haha and mulling over the previous moment with Vi. So relatable! I'm so glad at how strong and well developed the female characters are in this show!!✨️Another fave thing. And they know how to make iconic introductions! Now your theory about Rio... Geez, I had never thought of that. So dark, but you never know. One episode to go! 🥲


I personally like the slow development of Cait and Vi. It feels like they both have a lot on their minds and understand the stakes of the situation they're in, and I think Vi does not want to commit to the relationship just yet because she has things to do. But it is obvious the feelings are there.


Are you planning a reel for your intro next week? I'm curious what shots you would select with the entire series in front of you :)

Will Watches

can't believe there's only a week left, a 9 episode show just flies by, do you have plans for what's happening after Arcane? I know the schedule is packed so I don't blame you if you leave that slot free


You have the best and most insightful commentary. You are very attentive and catch most of what other reactors miss. I would love to see you do Stein’s Gate. I think that’s right up your alley


This episode has so many great scenes. Although I must admit that the last scene is my least favorite. Mostly because Jayce and Vi fighting together was presented as this epic moment. But it didn't feel epic to me, it rather felt like very rash and stpid decision made by these two characters. So I couldn't enjoy it very much. However Viktor running was truly beautiful, Skye's death was shocking. Mel's mother made a big impression, Heimerdinger and Ekko had a beautiful moment (didn't think these two characters would share a scene). I also enjoy Vi and Caitlyn. I like the slow build-up and to be honest - a kiss would have ruined that moment for me. Vi was very vulnerable when she told Caitlyn about Jinx/Powder. How much she regrets her actions. And Caitlyn should not take advantage of Vi's vulnerability in that moment and kiss her. So I didn't need that at all, as much as I want them to kiss in general, it didn't feel right here. And then of course Silco, proving again why he's my favorite character. I loved how he was the one wo needed the sedative, not Jinx. Because in this moment Jinx is strong and he isn't. Like Finn said to Sevika. Silco might be this hardened badass, but when it comes to Jinx he becomes soft. And the scene really portrayed that in a beautiful way.


Their decision being rash and stupid was kinda the point, no? To me the epicness being quickly contrasted by the kid's death was to put us in the characters minds in that moment, letting it all out with the adrenaline rush, but then the consequences hit like a truck.


yes I know...that's not the issue. I'm not saying that their stupid decision is bad storytelling or out of character. Quite the opposite actually. It makes sense. My problem is how the scene is portrayed and therefore I couldn't enjoy it the way it was intended. You just said the epicness was being contrasted...but for me there was no epicness in the first place. Which is obviously not the intention.


Yeah, in general, as much as I want the two of them to share a kiss, I think it was a very wise choice not to do so until this point. The scene between Cait and Vi in the bedroom brings a sense of vulnerability that I believe is more effective in deepening their connection than a kiss would be.


A kiss wasn't necessary and it wasn't ambiguous how they felt about each other. In fact this has been playing out since Ep 5. I think Ep 7 actually cemented it in many scenes.


😁 Oh I wasn’t saying their feelings for each other were ambiguous, that was pretty clear since ep 5. I was saying it’s left a bit ambiguous if anything else might have happened off screen. My remarks about a potential kiss were exploring whether they would do an on screen kiss or play it safe. The kiss wasn’t absolutely necessary, but I do think it could have been a wonderful moment for them. I don’t know why I was getting a distinct feeling that they played it safe and avoided it.


And by “they” I mean the people behind Arcane, not the characters themselves.


I think Silco's Doctor used the experiments on Rio in order to develop Shimmer enough to save his daughter. I believe he used an earlier version of Shimmer on her and had to watch as she died in agony from it :(


I would love to, need to see if I can fix the crash issue with After Effects. Sucks that I haven’t been able to make those reels this past few weeks.


Going to use the extra recording day towards the Shingeki special #1 project. After that, there’s a few possibilities.


Thank you ✌🏼 Steins’s Gate is very high on my most anticipated list, hope to get to it sooner rather than later


Vi knew Cait for two days. Narratively it makes zero sense for them to kiss.


For us, the portrayal of epicness is bitter and we're aware of its delusion. For Vi and Jayce, the music and 'epicness' is representative of the satisfaction Vi and Jayce are finally experiencing with their newfound influence over a previously unchangable situation I believe that it is the intention, yes. This show doesn't do things by accident


I get your explanation but it doesn't change the way I feel about this scene. If you like it then good for you 👍


Ooh, in fact, it reminds me that one of Arcane writers, right after the show ended, answered a fan of the series about this particular scene between Vi and Cait, and her answer was quite interesting. In short, she said that not all of the story is told onscreen intentionally. I'll try to find the link to this again.


Viktor is my favorite character in the series, and the running scene is tied with Ekko vs Jinx as my favorite in the series. Viktor is getting his first taste of how it feels to truly live without bodily constraints, and that would in ways be more addictive than any drug. Further spurring him on to rush things is that he could die any day from his condition, waiting could spell doom. That the blockade would have stopped him meeting the doctor again to get more shimmer must also have been on the mind when deciding to risk the experiment without it. Just a tragic situation all around.