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VS 2x10 YT



A very interesting episode, especially because of the one it follows. Like you said the parallel journey of Thorfinn and Canute is an integral part of this season so far. Both of them talking to their dead fathers, although with very different implications. I've always found Sweyn to be a fascinating character. They way he talked about the crown and power in general really added to his character and didn't make him just an evil dad type. And for him to return in this form is sort of proving him right and shows that Canute was naive to think that he wouldn't succumb to the crown's curse as his father did. Also it's sad to see Canute like this. He's all casual about his father's head appearing to him and it seems like just another day for him. The way he talks about Harald's death like a formality really rubs me the wrong way. On one hand I feel for him, but on the other not at all. He is the cause of all his demons and he's the one arrogant enough to believe that he's the one to forge a way to utopia. Very conflicting character for me.