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another S8 favorite. yep, the entire Capaldi era looks beautiful! "Sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones. but you still have to choose" whew that one stayed with me awhile also. Thanks ⁠♡


Frank Skinner who plays Perkins is a MASSIVE fan of the show. He was actually watching classic who when he got the call offering him this part. He said the hardest part of filming this episode was his character saying no to travelling with the Doctor.


Haven't watched yet but I love this episode. It's such a good standalone Doctor Who episode despite the character/emotional strings throughout. I want to say it's peak Capaldi, but it's more so it's a really good bechmark because it's a good outing for him as a Doctor. The callousness with him letting people die and the arrogance of "If I could see this thing, it would be over" but him being right. Also, I again love the Clara-Doctor stuff. The whole tone in the beginning of this episode and the choice to skip over them coming back together in some cheesy reunion is such a good decision and creates a really unique layered feeling. Clara constantly pressing on how it's their last time and toxicly talking about how happy she is and the Doctor being like "Can I talk about the planets now?" is so perfect lmao. I love how awful these two are

Carys Barnes

This is just a masterful episode. I agree with the you about the ‘I love you’ Clara says on the phone also relating to the doc. I think at the beginning of the episode when she is telling the doctor that she doesn’t hate him ‘hate is too strong of an emotion to waste on someone you don’t like’ what she actually couldn’t bring herself to say was that despite disliking him she still loves him. I definitely think Clara has become addicted to this lifestyle not so much just travelling around but the sense of importance and value from making big decisions, just as the doctor does. They are so alike in many ways and continue to become more alike as time passes.


I love Capaldi :') so much


This episode looks soo good! Jenna's hair and makeup too 👌


You might've noticed on rewatches, but during Elevens era, the night of Amy and Rory's wedding, just before the say "farewell" to their family. The Doctor tries to entice them to stay by saying a few things. i think what he says exactly is: "i get that its important, an egyptian goodess loose on The Orient Express... in space" Just more of Doctor Who's fantastic writing :))