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A cool detail that I only noticed on a rewatch: The song Jinx is humming as she comes through the bridge is the same that she sings as a child on that bridge in the opening scene of the show. Oops, you commented on that later in the discussion lol


hey Im! just letting you know theres a spot in the discussion you may want to edit out for youtube at the 31:30 mark lol. great episode, reaction, and discussion regardless :D


The showrunners have stated that just because someone is alive in the game that doesn't mean they can't be killed off in the show. The game doesn't provide plot armor


If you notice after the hug Vi strokes Cait's face with her thumb. That's not a "We're just friends" thing. Also Vi's hug to Cait was way more intimate than the one she gave Ekko, someone she's known for years And when she hear the guns shot and she runs back she's yelling "Caitlyn!" not "Ekko". Also when Jinx shoot at Vi and Cait if you slow it down you'll see Cait is trying to protect Vi by wrapping herself around Vi an Vi is pushing Cait out of theway to protect her.


What an episode. That bridge fight scene? Come on. The amount of reactors I’ve seen watch that scene and just have their jaws drop and stare in awe is amazing. Some were even laughing in bewilderment. The visual storytelling is just… ugh, absolutely perfect. They conveyed so much emotion and even backstory through that brief animation alone. Not to mention they up and decided to change the artstyle, likely to convey that this wasn’t actually happening in the present moment, but also because they just could. If ever there was an example of animation being utilized to its fullest potential, this show would be it. I agree that Jinx letting the bomb fall to the side was most likely a suicide attempt. It just makes the most sense. Ekko is someone tied to her past that she had no traumatic memories associated with. She wanted to end it by remembering the good times she used to have, and she couldn’t do that with anyone else but him. And despite everything Ekko said to Vi, he saw Powder again. Not whatever “Jinx” was. He saw his old friend. It’s no wonder he hesitated, especially after remembering the good ol’ days. I also have to express my appreciation for the representation of serious mental illness in this show. A lot of the time when writing “crazy” characters, they will often will lean into making them too comedic or too evil. But Arcane’s writers actually put the effort into making it clear how much Jinx struggles every day, how she has very little support from anyone besides her father figure Silco (who despite his obvious care for her has also been using her for his own personal gain), and how she genuinely tries to be better on multiple occasions but just fails due to circumstances outside of her control. She’s extremely nuanced and it’s incredibly easy to sympathize with her, at least for me. It’s also extremely realistic how nobody in the show really knows how to deal with her, so they either try to make her be someone they would prefer (Vi and Silco) without actually dealing with those issues, or they just fear her (basically everyone else). Ofc she’s still a killer that delights in causing harm (usually), but you can see it’s not as simple as “haha murder is fun”. After you’ve finished with this season I highly recommend you check out the YouTube channels Georgia Dow, The Truth Doctor Show, and Cinema Therapy’s videos in regards to all this. It’s really amazing stuff. The creators put so much effort into every aspect of this show. Really excited for you to get to the last two episodes, and hopefully Bridging the Rift as well? You would really find that interesting I’m sure. Thank you so much for these reactions/discussions, they are such a delight 💜


Hi! This show is one of a kind and never stopped to amaze me. 🤩 I think your take on the bridge fight is very interesting. I mostly agree with you, but I interpret the ending of the fight differently. Yes, I agree that Jinx tried to commit suicide, but I don't think she did it that way because she wanted to see a friendly face from old times. I think, she just felt she had lost on all fronts. From her point of view, her "father" betrayed her by not telling her about her sister being alive and in the lanes, her sister betrayed her by replacing her with an enforcer and her old childhood friend just crushed her in a fight to the death. Ekko stared at her with all his built-up anger and only softens, when he sees her giving up. Here I agree with you, he sees Powder looking at him, not Jinx. He realized he was wrong, Powder is still alive. She just gave up, because she had lost everything. She and Ekko were enemies by that time. They saw the other one growing into their adult versions and I could imagine, that Ekko had fought with her numerous times over the last seven years. Only in the other two fights we see between them, Ekko never attacked Jinx directly, he attacked with a purpose, namely to destroy a shimmer delivery and to get the gemstone. This time though, not only turned her sister her back on her to save Caitlyn, Ekko also attacked her directly to protect the two of them. That completes her feeling of loss, having the last friend from her childhood days turn directly against her. In the end Powder (not Jinx) looks at him almost like saying "I'm sorry." and Ekko, like Caitlyn, always tries to avoid killing others as long as possible, all the more if it is his oldest and once best friend. That's why he hesitated. Anyway, that is my take on that scene. 🙂


Every week I keep trying to guess which shot you will use as thumbnail. This one I got right hahha 😆 I love how Caitlyn and Ekko respect Vi's decision to still try to rescue her sister. Neither of them object to her choice to go back and try to find Powder somewhere. Also, that hug, thumb stroking the cheek...🧁 And it's just like you said, Ekko believed all this time that Powder was gone and in the end he was the one who saw Powder once again. The animation, the visual storytelling, the art style, it all continues to blow my mind even though I'm watching the show for the second time now. The facial expressions of the characters, so realistic, and the richness of detail are simply off the charts. Now that character that was at the Chem Barons meeting (the tattooed one, I don't know his name haha)...I just loved his character design! It has so much visual information but it's pretty cool!✨️ Two episodes left 🥹


Finn is voiced by Miyavi, a Japanese guitarist who plays in next episode's song. Probably one of the most talented guitarists I've ever heard, honestly. He also played Mutsuhiro Watanabe in Angelina Jolie's Unbroken, if you've seen that. Loved Ekko's Akira Slide; add it to the collection - https://i.imgur.com/SEhPuTY.mp4


Finn!!! The tattooed one hahha Didn't remember his name 😵😆


Another small detail about the mental illness is her self-harm earlier in the episode. When she's stapling her leg you can tell after the first one that she's progressively getting more into it, as if the physical pain is only a "just" reflection of the emotion pain she was going through. As someone who's dealt with that, it was very impactful to see self-harm portrayed in such a poignant and realistic manor.


I personally don't see Powder and Jinx at two seporate personalities. I don't see it as Jinx taking over but I see it as Powder struggling with her trauma. She becomes "Jinx" as a defence mechanism and it makes her feel safe but its not a personality disorder. When she behaves like her old self, I don't see it as Powder breaking free, I see it as powder struggling between her past self and her current self that she became and that she's completley conscious of herself behaving like jinx and her old self.