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Will Watches

The chimeras were such a pleasant surprise, from seemingly random one-off goons, to giving one of my favourite moments of the show and arguably one of the best speeches of the show, Arakawa just knows how to make the most of each of her characters. I'm so glad you love that moment as much as I do. You mentioned the possibility of outsourcing because there was some off-model moments, I think maybe there was earlier in the episode because there are some standout bit of animation here, Envy's transformation, Shou Mei's fight too and ofc Al's epic moment. I think maybe there was some outsourcing to save for those bigger moments?


I couldn't agree more. In some ways its a little strange for one of the Chimeras to get such an amazing and crucial scene, but when it plays out it just feels like the perfect person in this moment to offer this perspective. Re-watching, I love the way his experience as a test subject parallel the fate of the people who were made into stones; their bodies were used and transformed for a purpose they never signed up for. Why wouldn't they savor the opportunity to rebel against that purpose?


Al’s moment in this episode goes so hard. I felt like although he was a fantastic character, he kind of got the short end of the stick when it came to epic moments throughout the series, it’s clearer to see how Ed matures and grows and often Al’s naivety plays second fiddle to that. This episode, right here, is the moment that really shifts things. It’s also a real contrast to how he dealt with Pride the previous night—in this self-sacrificial manner, taking Pride with him; here, Al has to deal with the weight of holding other people’s lives in his hand and fighting with their lives. A really complex and great moment, the anime does a great job with it but for my money this moment in the manga is one of the greatest images of the entire series, artistically. Also, stellar reaction as always, but wanted to compliment the fit in this episode. Fire sweater!!! I gotta know what that is


This episode......man , I cried again f#ck. Love the last scene and I will prob cry every other episode from now on. Promised Day is sooo good Envy is also my fav Homunculus, so to see him finally back is really cool If someone would ask me what my fav character of FMAB is, I wouldn't really have an answer cause everyone is just so strong of character


Every moment of this anime seems satisfying. To me, there's very little that feels superfluous, it feels like every moment has had a lot of thought put into it artistically and narratively. Glad you're enjoying it.


The episode was outsourced to C2C (21, 31, 42). There's still one more Telecom episode coming, but other than that the show's done with mass outsourcing now. Hironori Tanaka was in charge of the first minutes of the B half...because of course he was. Should be his layouts and key animation up until the end of Envy's transformation.


the way the music starts when Kimblee shows up. So badass. I love him ❤