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Thanks! [[My mini-review for "Listen" ended up being not-so-mini, and I felt guilty continuing without saying anything so I fell behind in these reactions but am gonna catch up today and revisit my thoughts on the episodes.]] This one is an interesting one for sure. The whole premise is silly and it's riddled with plot holes... But the last few scenes in it, man. The acting, the writing. Without it I would probably skip this episode on a rewatch, but with the ending and especially *that* argument, it somehow cemented itself as memorable to me. Excited to see what you think.


Don't comment a lot on the Dr. Who episodes but just want to say thanks for watching this series. The Capaldi and Coleman chemistry is incredible. Also definitely agree with you about Courtney.


It's been a long time since I've found a reactor I've enjoyed watching DW with, one who really understands all the nuance and appreciates all the characters motivations. Just wanted to say I am really enjoying watching the Capaldi/ Coleman era with you. Thank you ♡


I'll watch in a bit but i remember my opinion on this episode is that it struggled delivering the intended message, but the scene of the doctor and clara in the tardis near the end is really great


yeah after watching I really don't know how I feel about this episode lol

Carys Barnes

I like this episode a lot more than most of the fan base. Obviously the scene in the tardis at the end does a lot of the heavy lifting and Jenna’s performance in this episode is outstanding. The episode would be significantly better without Courtney though. She is a very 2D and I don’t know any 15 would behave like her. She was an ok small comic character in the last episode but she has no place in this episode. Lots of people’s problem with the episode, aside from Courtney, is they find the moon/egg thing too ridiculous but I would agree with you equally ridiculous things have happed on who and the stakes feel real to me. The doctor was definitely disappointed in the human reaction to the conundrum and he felt the need to prove to himself that Clara was different and would make the ‘right’ or more compassionate choice. He is obviously very short-sighted and selfish in his way of doing this and doesn’t really think about how the weight of the decision, the kind of decisions which the has to make all the time on her. The thing I love about their relationship is how most of the time they feel like equals and similar they are in many ways but the doctors failing is not seeing how she would handle the situation differently. As for what the episode might or might not have been trying to say about abortion, I don’t know. Probably best to think they were not trying to make any direct comparisons as if they were it was terribly done. Not a perfect episode but some great character moments. You correct about it being a divisive episode. The next episode however is almost universally beloved so I can’t wait.


In regards to the abortion analogy, iirc that was not the intention of the writer at all. It's supposed to be more like the trolley problem, but unfortunately the fact that one of the choices is, you know, an egg kind of murks that original intent for the audience. This episode really is carried by that last scene and 12 and Clara's relationship. One of the messiest, emotionally-driven and downright interesting dynamics between a doctor and companion


Completely agree, never been a fan of this episode at all on its own (outside of the ending) but does some great stuff with Clara and 12s relationship. Stuff that carries over and is referenced along the rest of their run.