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Yeah one thing that did kind of frustrate me about this anime is how long it takes to build things up. Don’t get me wrong, it gets paid off in spades, but I can’t deny I was feeling impatient by this point


Off topic, nice win against united😁, you had to humble them. I am from arsenal, so hoping to win the league this year, but you never know with city there.


I think you should leave out the exact episode of when "things go down" from the comment. I don't think he wants to know. I personally wouldn't.


I mean is a personal preference, just my opinion, won't do it again,sorry


It is a preference thing, I would say the the good stuff starts with this episode and every other episode from now on is a banger. There are people that say FMAB isn't good in the first place and are saying it is not worth watching. At the end of the day everything is subjective


We're finally here at the Promised Day. The long journey comes now close to its conclusion. Love every episode from here on out


No, I get that. But that's still setting expectations for a specific episode in the future which I recall Im saying he does not want. I don't see it as any different than saying something like, "just wait until episode 10." You are on episode 6 and now you know that whatever the show has been building towards is gonna happen exactly four episodes from now. Not three, not five - but in exactly four episodes. Zero ill intent with my reply. If it felt like that, I apologize.


I LOVE this episode 😂😂😂 especially the Briggs soldiers

A Toilet Duck

I completely agree. If I'm watching a show and I know, going in to an episode, that it's supposed to be a great one, then I'm always going to end up enjoying it less than if I'd gone into it blind, without any expectations. Whilst it's obviously not as bad as straight up saying what happens, I personally still consider comments like those to be spoilers.