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In my experience this is an episode that will determine if someone will "vibe" with Evangelion, if there were still people watching thinking that it was about giant robots fighting monsters this makes it clear is not. Tho tbf I've seen a few too that complain about this episode being boring but keep going and end up loving it too. but yeah My boy Shinji, so many say he's a coward and whiny and etc and I feel I need to defend him often haha. He's 14, he is clearly very lonely, he doesn't have friends (even from his life before arriving to tokyo 3) self esteem issues, and then he is asked to come by his father and I'm sure he had the hope maybe his father wanted to see him, but he arrives is told he only was called because he is useful, told to pilot a massive scary robot, and fight monsters that can kill him, and he will feel everything..and he fights and it gets him bullied and he's not even acknowledged by his father..and yet he feels like all he is good at is piloting. the EVA. Is it surprising he is not having a great time? I bet many that call him things wouldn't be doing so well either. I'll leave it at that atm lol. I do think Toji and Kensuke played a big part on him staying. Excited for the next one


Really great episode, I thought you'd like it. Probably the most underrated episode by a lot of people due to it's slower nature and lack of any action but I believe it's one of the best. The amount of character building without words spoken in it is amazing. Also this episode pretty much perfectly wraps up the first 4 episodes as basically their own little intro arc. Can't wait for the next one!


BTW this was the ADV version now right? Would be cool to get your thoughts on the original ending, also I'd recommend going back in your own time and giving the original ED's from the first 3 eps a listen if you haven't already, really great songs!


These certain shots that are not changing at all are one of the most famous parts of NGE. I quite like it but there is something that I don't like about it either cause I think it feels lifeless at some point. Cause the reality in which we live isn't so “locked” in and stands still. I would've enjoyed these more if they moved something in these shots. But it's a 90s anime, so maybe they didn't have the capacity or money for that kind of style. Regardless, the editing style in NGE so far is really cool and definitely unique. I’m surprised by how impressed you are by its art direction cause it doesn’t feel that great to me at this point, but the reason might be that I’ve watched a little bit more anime than you and I have a different standing on these kinds of things. At the end of the discussion you are talking about the standing of the community to this anime and I feel like it’s quite similar to AoT’s standing. I already get that this show is not for everyone and that’s why the anime community is divided by it. Ik a lot of people that don’t get the hype/the love the anime gets and don’t like it all but I also know many people that have it as their fav anime of all time. There are just shows that divide the people cause it talks about very sensitive topics without pointing at them in a very clear way. There are many people that absolutely hate Shinji and how he acts and they themselves have most of the times a similar character like Misato which is funny cause the anime shows the misunderstood problem there in this episode haha


Storyboarded by Junichi Satou, the director of Sailor Moon among many others. He's also boarding the next one. Extremely influential for shoujo anime and is highly praised for his portrayal of young female characters. These are also the only 20 straight minutes of the entire franchise that Anno didn't script. I'm a bit short on time to make a comment, so I'll just dump a few Anno quotes. "If the angles and the editing are well done, even a still image will look good. (Is that limited to animation?) No. It works in live action as well. No matter how stiff the characters are, as long as the editing and framing are well done a scene can become quite entertaining." – Hideaki Anno, on プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀 (March, 2021) "I wanted to give it my all. For those people that love anime all around the world. But, once I came across a thread titled: 'Different ways of killing Anno Hideaki,' is the moment I stopped caring. I wanted to give up on making anime. There was one time when I considered jumping in front of a train and I also thought about jumping off the roof the studio. Those two times I actually considered ending it all. (What made you hold on to your life?) It looked like it would hurt. I thought about it realistically and stopped myself." – Hideaki Anno, on プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀 (March, 2021) "(Do you pride yourself on becoming a big name in the industry?) Not at all. I don't think it's a business you can be proud about. (What about all those people's lives you've changed?) You could say I'm really sorry about that. There might be people who got positively affected, but on the other hand, I could have caused a negative effect on them. For that I can't say anything. If it had a good effect on them, then I guess that's fine." – Hideaki Anno, on プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀 (March, 2021) "(With this film, the Evangelion series is over, right?) That's right. This is the end. The end of Evangelion's story. (Do you have any emotional attachment to the series?) None." – Hideaki Anno, on プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀 (March, 2021) "(Do you like the anime you make?) I like some, but I hate others. (What don't you like about them?) I don't like the parts where I see myself." – Hideaki Anno, on 課外授業 ようこそ先輩 (October, 1999)


Yup. It's a TV program where a celebrity visits their own childhood elementary school to give extracurricular lessons to a classful of kids while talking about how they made it to where they are right now.


I know you will switch to the ADV subs soon, but this was a nice example of the subpar translation of the new subs. You were wondering if Shinji was in a red light district at some point in his wandering. The ADV subs make it very clear he is. I don't know why the new subs are so vague about it.

Shiera Seastar

Great discussion! Still can't believe that you are actually watching this series, and yeah it is 'a special one' for us too!


The ADV version will kick in for ep 5 👌🏼 Yep, I’ll rewatch all the eps with that sub and watch the endings, I’ll definitely give my thoughts on the changes and the endings.


I think people who call EVA overhyped are the same people who don't like these character focused episodes and call them boring. But it's like you say, It's the core of the show, and also why I love it so much! It has the perfect blend of everything I want (which does include cool fight scenes). Like someone else mentioned above, I also feel the need to defend Shinji cause a lot of people find him unlikable. I even have friends who've said they stopped watching it cause he's so "pathetic and whiny". Which again, makes me think they just want generic shonen protag power fantasy, which is fine by the way but that's not EVA. One of the things I love the most about this show is how realistic the characters are. I have to stop myself from going on a massive rant but yeah, I love Shinji. He's my little bro 😤


Shinji defence squad here! I agree with all this and I feel you i had to stop my rant lol


also me waiting for the next episode https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/331426293398765569/1082750679543709778/joker.png

A Toilet Duck

This whole episode just oozes class and style. That sequence of Shinji's... truancy, I suppose, is so damn captivating. Visually stunning purely on a surface level, but also manages to evoke that sense of isolation that Shinji seems to feel, that sense of distance. That distance clearly borne from his own mental state, but also perhaps from his unique responsibility as an Eva pilot. I don't think it's insignificant that following on from his time spent amongst the people of Tokyo-3, people who's lives and livelihoods he has already played a big part in the protection of, he seems wholly unmoved, in so far as that upon his return, the only justification he gives as to why he might continue to pilot the Eva is that to not do so would put that burden on to Rei. He walked the streets of the city that he protected, and, in my view at least, it's noteworthy that he seemed to see nothing to ignite any motivation to protect it further.


I don't like to nag, but wasn't SnK supposed to be up on Monday? Or was it next week, perhaps


No, it has no set date. He said that he was "hoping to have it up by Monday."