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This episode is definitely in my top 3, I just love everything about it. Each of the characters gets a chance to shine in a way, it’s so great. God I love this show. The scientist you saw in Viktor’s backstory is indeed the same one working for Silco. He actually got burned in the explosion Powder set off in episode 3, there was a moment when the bomb set some of the shimmer on the ground on fire and it just quickly spread over to where he was and burned him. He’s also briefly mentioned by Jinx in episode 5, when she tells Silco he should just give the gemstone to him instead of her. Fun fact: his name is canonically Singed, but none of the characters in the show actually refer to him as that. Also really pleased you realized that Viktor’s assistant Sky is indeed the same girl from his background in the Undercity. Even though you needed to go back to check, you’re probably the only one to notice without someone else pointing it out because of how little he pays attention to her lol (which believe is intentional writing). And the furry scientist guy is named Hei-MER-dinger, it’s meant to be a portmanteau of the scientists Oppenheimer and Schrödinger if that helps you remember. Also fun fact: some people have theorized that the tattoos on Jinx’s arm are meant to symbolize the desire for Vi to come back to her. That’s why they’re clouds of blue smoke: the same as what’s set off by the flare Vi told her to use when she wanted her to find her. So even tho she believed Vi was dead, she never stopped calling out for her sister 🥺 idk if that’s actually the canonical explanation for her tattoos, but it makes a lot of sense especially when you realize that Jinx didn’t need to keep that flare this whole time. And that’s pretty much all I can think of to add, you nailed the discussion once again lol. Really excited for next episode, it genuinely has what I think are some of the best moments in all of animation so you’re definitely in for a treat 👍


Listening to you cover the theme of "time" in this series is giving me Whiterose vibes :D


Didnt comment last one, but your disscussions are just so good. As a spectator in the council meeting you feel like both Heimer and Jayce are right, in episode 5 Heimer is enjoying the opera with his eyes closed, alluding that he cant see the corruption in the council and the problems in the undercity all these years, so when Jayce says "what´s ur plan to fix this" has his point, but obviously the only reason he is doing this at the end is for his brother Victor. A cool detail shared on an Q/A from the creators, is that the animators did their own way to do storytelling without being told, they coloured the ashtray and other objects in silco´s room with jinx paintings (and they decided to keep it) which can mean in a subtle way a lot of things, that he allows and appreciate jinx doings over the years and he doesn´t care about his goons or Marcus seeing that. So props to the animators not just for making the show look that cool but for caring about the characters and stories too. Sorry about my english i dont even know if it has good coherence or cohesion xD

James Decker

Caitlyn trading her gun for the potion is even more significant since that used to be Grayson's gun. Also another fun fact, the blonde guy with Silco licking his fingers before trying to turn the page is Deckard, Vander didn't kill him with that neck snap in episode 3, just maimed him.


That’s not Deckard, he wouldn’t look like that after taking all that shimmer lol. His eyes are a different color too. He’s just an unnamed goon at this point in time


Another excellent analysis!✨️ I love that you noticed that Viktor's assistant Skye is the same girl from the beginning of the ep. Viktor really wants to live and he doesn't want to be forgotten. And that's not out of vanity or ego, but because it would mean that he was legitimately able to make a difference in the lives of those in need. And oh man, he is not considering safety as a priority, he doesn't have time for that. Oh, I really love Caitlyn. It's clear at this point in the story how important her shooting skills are and how much it means to her. And despite the situation she and Vi found themselves in and how having a gun would be of great value, she traded her gun to secure Vi's life without having to think too much. Caitlyn lacked the true extent of the suffering and reality of people living in the Undercity. Asking Vi if she doesn't have parents reinforces how alien it all is to her reality on the Topside. The hug Cait gave that man, to me, was an attempt to soothe his anguish, not knowing or not having what to do for him at that moment. Finally, the reunion. Beautiful and heartbreaking. One detail I love about this scene is when Vi moves away the gun pointed at her and touches Jinx's arm affectionately. It reinforces the impact that physical contact has on Jinx.


He actually appears in episode 3, he is the creepy one who lingers the knife in his tongue before fighting vi in the bridge


Episode 6 wasn't one of my favorites on first watch (mostly due to overhyping myself for the "finale" of the act, after the explosive end to Act 1), but it has become one I adore after numerous rewatches. The creators continue the hard lean into visual storytelling that they began in earnest in episode 5, culminating with the flare scene and the Jinx/Vi reunion. The writing is spectacular here too. So many wonderfully meaty, nuanced lines that do so much to grow the characters while enriching the themes. "The mutation must survive." We learn so much about Singed from that brief statement. He doesn't see Rio as a being to protect, he's not caring for her out of a personal attachment. In Singed's eyes, Rio is a means to an end, a host for the mutation. He attempts to prevent her death to keep the mutation alive, for the sake of Progress above all else, not for Rio herself. Something that Viktor doesn't understand at the beginning. By the end of this episode, Viktor seems to think he understands. But does he, really? "Do you contemplate death, Professor?" "Only that of friends." Heimerdinger expresses sympathy and admiration for his pupil, while reminding us that he still fundamentally cannot understand what Viktor is going through. How can he? He'll never face it himself. And poor Viktor, who sees everything he cares about slipping through his fingers like the sands of time. "My contributions will be short-lived, even in your memory." "We can't change what fate has in store for us, but we don't have to face it alone." What a change from Mel just one episode earlier, when she was telling Jayce that fate was malleable, and encouraged him to take his fate into his own hands. And it's clear from the softness of her expression (even as Jayce isn't even looking at her) that what she's saying now reflects her own true feelings. What does that mean for the scheming manipulator she's crafted around herself? "Guess she replaced you." Jinx's worst fears come to life, and Sevika knows it. As much as we instinctually sympathize with Jinx in this moment, it also reinforces that Sevika is a stone cold badass. Tied to a chair, just emerging from unconsciousness, and she still shows no fear at all as she needles her captor into potentially murdering her in cold blood. And why is she doing it? Sure, she hates Jinx, but she's never come off as a sadist, someone who hurts others because she enjoys it. "It's only a matter of time before Silco finally gets the message that you're about as good for our cause as you were for your family." There it is. Sevika's an idealist in her own way, more dedicated to the revolution than anyone, and utterly unwilling to compromise on the personal if it gets in the way of achieving the movement's goals. "Humans don't live for centuries! We can't wait for progress." Heimer is right that Jayce is tipping his hand here, but I think he's wrong about what Jayce is inadvertently revealing about his deeper motives. Heimer thinks it's just Jayce being, as always, the impetuous young scientist who can't see how haste can beget disaster. But what Jayce is really revealing is that he's motivated in this moment by his love for Viktor. The "human" that won't live for centuries is Jayce's partner, and by reacting defensively, Heimer has (also inadvertently) indicated to Jayce that he doesn't care if Viktor lives or dies, so long as the Ethos is followed. No wonder Jayce goes through with his betrayal. "You play with your blocks, until they break/ And these walls come tumbling down." As with so many of the lyrics in Arcane's original songs, these words could apply to so many of the show's characters. Playing with blocks evokes childhood, and we're immediately reminded of the Powder that was, and how her entire world shattered when her blocks broke. But you can see Silco here too, who has spent years building an empire in furtherance of his dreams of revolution, and who finds it starting to teeter around him as the knife's point that is Vi arrives to probe at his one weakness. And of course, as always, we see the conflict of Piltover against Zaun represented in the lyrics as well. "It's Jinx now! Powder fell down a well." Who are you trying to convince, Jinx? Vi? Or yourself? And so many more that could be discussed, most of which you covered in your review. ("Are you... real?" Gahhhhhhhhhh)


The visual storytelling of this show is always on point. The most heartbreaking moment in that reunion for me is when Vi touches Jinx's arm and you can see the effect it has. It's as if reality is breaching/fracturing her mental safe space that she has created over the years. I also think that Powder/Jinx got the two best voice actresses, they are both so good.